Issue - meetings

Governance and Employer Engagement

Meeting: 05/11/2021 - Pension Board (Item 56)

56 Governance Report pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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56.1.     The Board considered a report providing an update on various governance workstreams completed and changes effecting Local Government Pension Schemes (LGPS) and the East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF or the Fund).

56.2.     The Chair asked whether there had been any developments on the Code of Practice that had been subject to consultation recently. 

56.3.     Michael Burton (MB), Pensions Manager - Governance and Compliance, said the consultation had shown there were quite a few concerns from consultees about certain areas of the Code and that the Pensions Regulator had decided to review it and re-publish in the new year. In the meantime, the Pensions Team is making preparations to be ready for any changes that might be expected in the Code. 

56.4.     Cllr Tom Druitt (TD) said he was happy with the terms of reference of the Communications Working Group but questioned whether it should be time limited and wind down once the current projects that it was set up to oversee were completed. Diana Pogson (DP) suggested that the Terms of Reference could include a clause to review the need for the working group every two years, as it is unlikely there will ever be a point where there are no communications issues that need to be looked at. Sian Kunert (SK), Head of Pensions, added that the Administration Working Group had evolved out of the Data Improvement Group, which was initially a time-limited group, so there could well be a continued need to review communications issues too.

56.5.     The Chair, recognising that DP was due to leave her position on the Board, requested that officers write to her replacement and the other two employee representatives to see whether they wish to replace DP on the Administration Working Group.

56.6.     The Chair asked whether there should be an employer representative on the Communications Working Group, as currently it was the Chair and Lynda Walker, an employee representative. SK said that all Board Members are invited to each meeting of the working group, but some of the draft communications planned for discussion might be more appropriate for employers and other times for employees, and this would likely determine attendance. TD offered to be the permanent employer representative, subject to availability, but he suggested that Cllr Illingworth was also offered the opportunity in case he preferred to hold the position.

56.7.     The Board RESOLVED to:

1) note the report;

2) agree the draft terms of reference of the Communications Working Group subject to the addition of an agreement to review the terms of reference every two years;

3) endorse the draft terms of reference of the Administration Working Group;

4) request that officers contact the employee representatives to see if any wish to be members of the Administration Working Group;

5) note the interest of Cllr Druitt to be a permanent member of the Communications Working Group and request that officers contact Cllr Illingworth to see if he wishes to be member also;

6) thank Diana Pogson for her work as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56