Additional documents:
60.1. The Committee considered the ESPF Risk Register.
60.2. The Committee’s discussion included the following key issues:
· The dissolution of the previous pensions administration arrangements is now complete and so could be removed as a risk.
· A project is underway to replace the finance system of ESCC that will affect the way the Fund produces accounts, payroll and how ESCC as an employer provides information to the Fund via I-Connect and this may pose a future risk to the Fund.
· A project has begun with the ESCC ICT service to test the resilience of the Fund to a cyber security attack such as a ransomware attack.
60.3. The Committee RESOLVED to:
1) note the report;
2) agree to add ransomware as part of the existing cyber risk;
3) agree to remove “Dissolution of Administration from Orbis to ESCC” as a risk; and
4) note that officers may add a temporary risk on the dissolution of ESCC business operations from the wider Orbis Business Services.