Issue - meetings

Work programme

Meeting: 17/06/2022 - Pension Committee (Item 16)

16 Work programme pdf icon PDF 275 KB

Additional documents:


16.1       The Committee considered a report on the Committee’s work programme.


16.2       The Head of Pensions updated the Committee that the stewardship code submission and a carbon footprinting report, produced by the Fund managers, would be reported to the Committee in July. Moody’s, the independent carbon footprinitng provider would not be presenting the report on carbon footprinting at the upcoming meeting.


16.3       The Committee fed back that it would be useful to have updated information on the following areas:


  • The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) to highlight where the Fund feels there are inconsistencies. The Head of Pension updated the Committee that a report would be taken to the Committee in September on the TCFD.


  • The implementation of the Pension Dashboard. Officers would look into rolling out information on Pension Dashboards, likely via training routes.


  • Assets invested in companies extracting fossil fuels. Officers were working on pulling together information which would be reported to the Committee once finalised.


16.4       The Committee were encouraged to inform officers when having completed training or attended relevant events.


16.5       The Committee RESOLVED to:


·         agree the changes to the work plan standing items; and


·         note the work programme.