Issue - meetings

Children’s Services Supported Accommodation Framework contract extensions

Meeting: 26/09/2022 - Lead Member for Children and Families (Item 3)

3 Children’s Services Supported Accommodation Framework Call-Off Contract Extensions pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Report by Director of Children’s Services


3.1  The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services regarding the Children’s Services Supported Accommodation Framework Call-Off Contract extensions.


3.2  The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve 9-month extensions for 2 Call-Off Contracts under the Children’s Services Supported Accommodation Framework as set out the report.




3.3  The nine-month extensions to Call-Off Contracts under the Supported Accommodation Framework will ensure continuity of provision and stability of placement for care leavers and young people in placement with them at the time the current Call-Off Contracts expire, without any increase in the price per placement, until new contracts can be awarded under a new Approved List (CSAAL).