Issue - meetings

Internal Audit

Meeting: 02/11/2023 - Pension Board (Item 84)

84 Internal Audit Report pdf icon PDF 180 KB

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84.1     The Board considered the internal audit report presented by Danny Simpson (DS) and noted that although the levels of assurance has been issued as “Reasonable” due to the methods of assurance for employers making contributions being lacking however this is a pensions wide challenge and not unique to ESPF and if there is any shortfall in contributions overall, the contribution rates are adjusted as required through the triennial valuation process.

84.2     NS queried Reasonable Assurance as the evidence is not routinely collected and asked whether the ESCC internal audit is impacted as the audit covers external employers.

84.3     DS assured the Board that the contribution rates are correct, what is hard to see is what individual employers do to assure the contribution rates. The Fund is entitled to review the resources of assurance which has formed the basis of the audit but acknowledged there are some limitations. Auditing is on behalf of the Fund not the external employers.

84.4     TO offered detail of the process from an Employer perspective and highlighted the benefits of the data i-Connect produces.

84.5     The Board RESOLVED to note the report.