Issue - meetings

Carbon Management

Meeting: 17/07/2015 - Audit, Best Value and Community Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

13 Carbon Management pdf icon PDF 338 KB

Report by the Chief Operating Officer


13.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer which provided an update on work undertaken and planned activities to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.


13.2     The Committee discussed:

·        the Salix fund underspend of £67,815, its being carried forward and the risk of losing it in future years;

·        the feasibility of installing photovoltaic panels on parts of the County Council estate, including County Hall and car parks, to take advantage of the feed-in tariff to support the business case for installation;

·        the payback period, and the criteria for determining a satisfactory rate of return on investment;

·        the importance of having full figures, in particular where a project could be netted off against an old building that has been disposed of by the Council.   


13.3     It was explained that there were no strict criteria for assessing projects, but that the Carbon Trust’s Salix Finance funding was used for projects with a maximum seven and a half year payback period, which could be supported by contributions from other sources.  The County Council’s Carbon Reduction Fund can be used for this purpose.  The Committee expressed concern with the approach, with particular regard to properties where long term occupation was uncertain.


13.4     RESOLVED to (1) note the report; and to


(2) request an update at a future meeting together with clarification about (a) the calculation and limits of payback periods and (b) photovoltaic feasibility.