Issue - meetings

Director of Public Health Annual report 2022/23

Meeting: 28/09/2023 - East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 18)

18 Director of Public Health Annual report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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18.1     The Board considered a report on the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022/23 which was introduced by Darrell Gale. The report is the last in a series of three, with a focus on loneliness and includes the work that the People Scrutiny Committee did on loneliness.


18.2     The Board thanked the Director of Public Health for a very good and detailed report. It was noted that a Notice of Motion on loneliness several years ago received unanimous Council support and how important this issue was for physical and mental health. It was also noted that some people have not been out since Covid and the impact the Covid pandemic has had on people and how this has contributed to loneliness as they avoid busy places and go out less. It was also noted that loneliness is an issue in both urban and rural communities.


18.3     Councillor Maynard thanked the Director of Public Health for a very detailed and well researched report. He commented that anecdotally there are a number of people both old and young who have not re-adjusted after Covid, and it will be important in the Council’s communications activity to promote measures to encourage people, families and friends to go out more and to re-engage with their local communities. Some Parishes can be very good at tackling rural isolation and promoting local community organisations. However, the cost of living increases have also reduced social contact and are contributing to loneliness and isolation as people cut back spending on going out and socialising.


18.4     Darrell Gale summed up by commenting that the impact of Covid is really important and when communities in East Sussex had to self-isolate during Covid they did it very well, but some people have found re-adjusting after Covid difficult. Addressing people’s fears about going out more will be important and there may be processes occurring that we do not yet fully understand. There may also be more work to do, for example, for people in care settings who during Covid were not allowed visitors due to strict infection control measures. This will need to be balanced against their human rights to see people and may need to be re-assessed for future pandemics.


18.5     The Board REOLVED to note the Director of Public Health Annual Report for 2022/23.