Issue - meetings

Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) - Gatwick Northern Runway Project (NRP) and the current Development Consent Order (DCO) application

Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development (Item 11)

11 Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) - Gatwick Northern Runway Project (NRP) and the current Development Consent Order (DCO) application pdf icon PDF 310 KB

Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Additional documents:


11.1     The Leader and Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




11.2     The Leader and Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) note the different stages of the Development Consent Order process, including East Sussex County Council’s responses to date, and those proposed;


(2) seek the views of Full Council on Gatwick Airport Limited’s Northern Runway Proposal Development Consent Order and the key topic areas affecting East Sussex at a Full Council debate on 10 October 2023; and


(3) consider a further report in early November 2023 on the outcomes of the Full Council debate and the Council’s response to the Gatwick Northern Runway Proposal.




11.3     The County Council has regularly engaged and responded to consultations on Gatwick’s Northern Runway Proposal (NRP) since 2021 to ensure that those living in and visiting East Sussex are appropriately represented, and it will continue to do so.


11.4     The focus of The Council’s responses and engagement through the various topic working groups undertaken by Gatwick Airport on their proposals has been in relation to surface access, economy, noise, air quality, carbon, climate change and health. In doing so, the Council have worked collaboratively with other local authorities to ensure common issues and concerns are raised collectively to strengthen the voice and ensure these are fully considered and addressed by Gatwick in their proposals.


11.5     As highlighted in section 2 of the report, following the acceptance of the Development Consent Order (DCO) application by the Planning Inspectorate, the process moves into its next stages at which the Council has further opportunities to highlight any concerns and issues regarding the NRP and in the event of the proposal being approved, what mitigations should be in place.


11.6     As the DCO application progresses through to the Examination stage, it is important that the views of Full Council are sought to help inform the Council’s responses to the Local Impact Reports (LIR) and Written Representation on the application.