Issue - meetings

Application to de-register and replace Common Land 57 and Common Land 96, known and Foulride Green Common, Lower Willingdon, Eastbourne

Meeting: 20/11/2023 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment (Item 42)

42 Application to de-register and replace Common Land 57 and Common Land 96, known and Foulride Green Common, Lower Willingdon, Eastbourne pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Additional documents:


42.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Tranpsort.




42.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Agree to East Sussex County Council becoming a joint applicant in the application already submitted by Messrs Peter and Robert Vine to the Secretary of State under Section 16 of the Commons Registration Act 2006 for the de-registration and replacement of a section of Common Land 57 (CL57) and Common Land 96 (CL96), known as Foulride Green, Lower Willingdon Eastbourne, to provide access to and egress from a proposed mixed-use development of land from the A2270 Eastbourne Road at Mornings Mill Farm (granted outline planning approval under WD/2021/0174/MEA); and


(2) Delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to take all necessary steps in connection with the application, including but not limited to, signing the application form, providing evidence in support of the application and any further requirements of the Secretary of State.




42.3     Planning permission was granted for the proposed development in September 2022. The release of the sections of CL57 and CL96 is necessary to provide access to and egress from a proposed mixed-use development of land from the A2270 Eastbourne Road at Mornings Mill Farm.


42.4     The de-registered sections of Common Land will be replaced with a larger area of Common Land with greater amenity value.


42.5     Due to the existence of a Public Footpath East Sussex County Council is required by the Planning Inspectorate to be a ‘joint-applicant.’ However, the public footpath rights are unaffected by the proposal.