Issue - meetings

Re-procurement of Community Services: High Weald Lewes & Havens CCG (HWLH)

Meeting: 01/10/2015 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 19)

19 High Weald Lewes Havens (HWLH CCG): Procurement of Community Services pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Additional documents:


19.1     The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive setting out the plans of High Weald Lewes Havens CCG (HWLH CCG) and the new provider, Sussex Community NHS Trust(SCT), for community services in the High Weald, Lewes and Havens locality.

19.2     In addition to a presentation on the new community services, Siobhan Melia, SCT, confirmed that SCT was in the process of appointing a new senior leadership team of operational and clinical leaders in the High Weald Lewes Havens locality to manage the new community services. The current ESHT management staff provided more than two thirds of their duties outside of High Weald Lewes Havens – as they operated community services across East Sussex – so TUPE rule state that they cannot be transferred across. As current managers cannot be TUPE’d there is a shortfall of staff. Whether or not there would be redundancies in the community services senior leadership team at ESHT – as a result of the loss of High Weald Lewes Havens – would be for that Trust to confirm.

19.3     The Committee RESOLVED to:

1) to note the report and its appendices;

2) thank Sussex Community NHS Trust for their presentation;

3) request that HWLH CCG confirm via email whether pace maker and audiology clinics will continue to be commissioned at community hospitals as part of elective services, as this issue had not yet been clarified.

Meeting: 16/06/2015 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Re-procurement of Community Services: High Weald Lewes & Havens CCG (HWLH) pdf icon PDF 10 KB

A verbal update from HWLH CCG on the progress of the re-procurement of community services.

Additional documents:


10.1     Ashley Scarf, Director of Strategy, HWLH CCG, informed the committee of the progress of the CCG’s re-procurement of community services.


10.2     Mr Scarff told members that a preferred bidder had now been identified, and it was anticipated that a contract would be signed by the end of July 2015. The new contract gave commissioners the opportunity to address some unique challenges, given the fact that the majority of High Weald, Lewes & Havens residents ‘flow’ out of the county to access secondary healthcare services. Re-designed community provision will be key to the success of East Sussex Better Together (ESBT).


10.3     This procurement has not been approached in a conventional way. Instead, the CCG has developed a process of competitive dialogue with potential bidders, asking them to present their ideas on how they could deliver a range of outcomes. There has been an emphasis on the innovative use of technical solutions, and also an emphasis on using patient and carer experience and satisfaction as key outcomes measures. There has been excellent patient engagement throughout the process.


10.4     It is intended that the contract will go live in early November 2015. The CCG is working closely with the current service provider (ESHT) to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements.


10.5     The CCG would welcome the opportunity to attend a future HOSC meeting with the new provider, Sussex Community Trust (SCT), to give a more detailed presentation on their plans for services.


10.6     Asked to list his two ‘headline hopes’ for the new service, Mr Scarf told members that he hoped to see better integration, both between health and social care services, and between primary, community and secondary healthcare. Secondly, he wanted to see community hospitals revitalised, becoming true community hubs for a range of services.


10.7     In response to a query as to whether the change in providers might threaten the progress of ESBT, Mr Scarf told the committee that the requirements of ESBT were central to the procurement. SCT is very experienced in delivering high quality integrated working, and the CCG is confident that this change will enhance ESBT.


10.8     Asked how the success of the contract would be judged, Mr Scarf informed members that a number of Key Performance Indicators would be monitored. Central to performance measures will be user satisfaction.


10.9     RESOLVED – that the information be noted and HWLH CCG and SCT be invited to the October 01 2015 HOSC meeting to provide a further update on their plans for the new community services contract.