Issue - meetings

Write-off of Debts 2023/24

Meeting: 28/03/2024 - Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change (Item 61)

61 Write-off of Debts 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Report by the Chief Operating Officer

Additional documents:


61.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer together with exempt information contained in a later agenda item.




61.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) Approve the writing-off of 14 debts amounting to £234,600.66 in the Council’s 2023/2024 accounts;


2) Note that provision is made for bad and doubtful debts; and


3) Note the current debt position and positive steps being put in place to make improvements.




61.3     There is no prospect of recovering the fourteen outstanding debts.

Meeting: 28/03/2024 - Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change (Item 63)

Write-off of Debts 2023/24 - Exempt Information

Report by the Chief Operating Officer

Additional documents:


63.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer which provided exempt information in support of an earlier item on the agenda.




63.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to note the exempt information in relation to an earlier item on the agenda.




63.3     The report contained exempt information in relation to an earlier item on the agenda.