Issue - meetings

East Sussex Health and Social Care Plan

Meeting: 05/03/2024 - East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 40)

40 East Sussex Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) programme update pdf icon PDF 210 KB

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40.1     The Board considered an update report on the East Sussex Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) programme. The report was introduced by Vicky Smith, Programme Director East Sussex Health and Care Transformation. The report covered a review of progress against the eight key milestones for year one of the SDP; the latest progress on the development of the Integrated Care Teams (ICTs); and proposals for moving forward with the Health and Care Partnership and the HWB statutory role.


40.2     Jessica Britton outlined that the report sets out the strategic approach and the progress towards greater integration. It also sets out the progress on the areas of focus on the ground where partners are starting to work differently such as in Family Hubs, emotional and wellbeing support services, as well as the development of ICTs. This is through an asset based approach to local shared priorities to improve the offer and services available to people locally.


40.3     Mark Stainton added that the partners had worked well together to deliver the eight key milestones during the first year of the SDP. Going forward it will be important when looking at the key milestones to get the right balance between strategic priorities and development of services on the ground. There had been really good progress on the development of the ICTs with the development of the core offer, establishment of the footprint for each ICT and an intelligence base for each of the neighbourhoods. It will be important to articulate what this means for staff and residents, highlighting which teams form part of the ICT and how residents will access them and what is different. In terms of governance arrangements for the East Sussex ‘place’, some proposals will be brought to the next HWB in July. There is a role to develop for the HWB around challenge, accountability as well as stewardship of the Health and Care system. Developing a whole system Preventative Strategy, including approaches to men’s mental health is one example where the HWB could pull together and steer the collective energies of the health, care and VCSE partners.


40.4     The Chair commented that he thought the direction of travel for the work on the SDP is exactly right, and recent work on the LGA Peer Review of Adult Social Care and Health highlighted the role and opportunities that the HWB has to co-ordinate the work of all the partners. This will need serious consideration to focus on the areas of work that are important to residents.


40.5     Alison Jeffery outlined that although the progress on the work on the children’s programme is marked as green, and good foundations have been laid for future work, there is still not much impact on services on the ground on the mental health and neurodiversity pathways. There is a need to make sure the work over the last year makes a difference. Going forward the incoming Director of Children’s Services will continue to raise the case for involving children and young people in this work.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40