Issue - meetings

Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care pdf icon PDF 386 KB

Report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.

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12.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.

12.2     It was RESOLVED to:

1)    Note the findings from the LGA Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care (ASCH);

2)    Approve the ASCH Priority Development Plan in response to the LGA challenge and note how the plan aligns with and contributes to existing Council priorities; and

3)    Agree arrangements for monitoring progress against the Development Plan through a sub-group of the People Scrutiny Committee.


12.3     The process of, and product from, the LGA Peer Challenge has proven immensely beneficial in terms of our preparation for the CQC Assurance process by confirming the current priority areas for development as part of our journey of continuous improvement.

12.4     External assurance of Local Authority Adult Social Care duties has recently been reintroduced after an absence of 14 years.  The LGA Peer Review has provided the opportunity to refresh our skills in clearly and concisely identifying and articulating our strengths and also our areas for development. It has been an invaluable ‘dress rehearsal’ for organising and managing a multi-faceted, on-site inspection, in order to ensure an accurate and fair outcome for the Council.

12.5     The product of the Peer Challenge has confirmed that we know our strengths and areas for improvement and has provided us with validation of the priority areas for development to improve our service and support to our residents, contribute to the delivery of Council Plan and ASC Strategy priorities as well as better prepare for the new assurance process.