6 Proposals for strengthening our East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board PDF 814 KB
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6.1 The Board considered a report on the proposals for strengthening the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board, introduced by Mark Stainton, Director of Adult Social Care. The report set out the proposed future role of the Health and Wellbeing Board with a strong focus on Place and joint working to improve the health and wellbeing of the population in East Sussex. The report covers the arrangements that will be put in place to support this, which are outlined in section 2.15 of the report.
6.2 The Chair noted the work that had taken place since the last Board meeting on the proposals and that the Board now had the opportunity to endorse the proposals.
6.3 Councillor Ungar asked if there would be an opportunity for all Board members to be involved in the deep dive discussions of the informal strategy workshop sessions. Mark Stainton confirmed that the sessions would involve all Board members and may also include subject matter experts who could be invited to attend the sessions to provide more information and contribute to the discussion.
6.4 Stephen Lightfoot commented that it would be really helpful to have subject matter experts involved in some of the workshop sessions. He strongly supported the principle of having the informal sessions which provide an opportunity to discuss and debate some of the options to develop the right plans for our population. He also commented that he would like to be able to share this good practice with the other Health and Wellbeing Boards in Sussex. The Chair outlined that the Board would be happy to share the proposals with the other Health and Wellbeing Boards and would welcome any feedback from them on good practice.
6.5 Councillor Dr Kathy Ballard commented that she was excited by the new approach of having informal discussions about the Strategy and getting feedback from the Board members. She asked if all the Board members would be expected to attend the sessions and how the outcomes would be fed back to the Board and incorporated in future work. Mark Stainton outlined that all Board members would be invited to the informal sessions. The product of the deep dive informal Strategy sessions will form part of the standing update item on health and care updates and will be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board at the following formal Board meetings. The plan is that all the sessions will contribute to the refresh of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy which is due in early 2027. If the Board agrees the proposals, then by 2027 the Board will have covered all the chapters in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy in time for the refresh.
6.6 Mark Stainton clarified that all Board members, including those who are invited observers, would be invited to the informal strategy sessions as the participation of everyone is welcomed. As the sessions are not formal Board meetings, there is more flexibility around who can be invited.
6.7 Councillor Webb asked if it would be ... view the full minutes text for item 6