Issue - meetings

Conservators of Ashdown Forest Budget 2024/25

Meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 49)

49 Conservators of Ashdown Forest Budget 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Report by the Chief Operating Officer.

Additional documents:


49.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.


49.2     It was RESOLVED to:


1)         Note the Quarter 2 budget position for the Conservators’ 2024/25 Core Budget;

2)         Note the Conservators of Ashdown Forest medium term financial plan; and

3)         Approve the 2025/26 Core Budget.


49.3     The report sets out the financial position of the Conservators of the Ashdown Forest (COAF) for 2024/25 against the approved budget agreed by the Board of Conservators at their meeting on 20 November 2023 and was presented to Cabinet in January 2024.

49.4     The current 2024/25 Core budget projections indicate that no additional contribution from ESCC will be required.

49.5     The current Countryside Stewardship (CS) budget is forecast to overspend by £25,996 this year. This is less than the budgeted overspend of £131,531 and similar to the previous year. The position reflects the difficulties that have been had securing contractors to undertake works on the forest. The Conservators are developing a three-year forest management plan and new procurement policy to lock in contractors over the coming three years. The deficit will be funded from the CS reserve.