59 Proposal to close the Steps to Work service for people with a learning disability PDF 180 KB
Report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health
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59.1 The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.
59.2 It was RESOLVED to:
1) Agree the proposal to close the Steps to Work Service, including Shine Car Valet based at County Hall in its current format and implement a revised supported employment offer with job coaches aligned to a re-modelled Learning Disability Day Service offer; and
2) Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to take all necessary actions to give effect to the above resolution.
59.3 The Council is required to set a balanced budget. The ‘State of the County’ report presented to Cabinet in June 2024 set out a projected £55m deficit on the 2025/26 budget. Savings proposals requiring public consultation that would help to close this gap were presented to Cabinet in September 2024.
59.4 The total savings proposals for the Medium-Term Financial Plan for 2025/26-2027/28 set out in November 2024 were £20.628m, across all Council departments. The Adult Social Care and Health (ASCH) contribution to the savings total is £11.455m. In addition to these savings proposals, in order to achieve a balanced budget, the Council is also drawing on its financial reserves.
59.5 It is clear that the majority of respondents value Steps to Work and the service it provides. Supporting adults into work achieves positive outcomes that would be jeopardised were the service to cease. However the financial position of the Council requires Adult Social Care and Health to make savings.
59.6 In order to mitigate the impacts on those adults currently using the Steps to Work service, and adults who may need the service in the future, a revised employment support provision that retains job coaches as part of a re-modelled day service provision will be implemented. This would retain Council run support and mitigate the risks and impacts identified through the consultation process whilst still achieving the required savings.
59.7 Cabinet members have read and had regard to the Equalities Impact Assessment when making decisions related to this proposal.