Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Additional documents:
53.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
53.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) Note the outcomes of the stakeholder and public consultation on the proposed A22 Major Road Network Corridor active travel measures; and
(2) Approve the recommendation for each scheme within the sustainable transport measures package as detailed in Appendix 6 of the report which sets out the elements for each scheme proposed to be taken to detailed design and inclusion in the full business case for the A22 MRN Corridor Package.
53.3 In December 2022 the County Council submitted an outline business case (OBC) for the A22 MRN Corridor Package to DfT, comprising five junction improvements on the section of the A22 as well as an indicative package of active travel measures around Hailsham, Polegate and Stone Cross. Together, the full package of measures on this section of the A22 corridor will improve strategic and local connectivity of communities in the south Wealden area to facilitate economic and housing growth, encourage walking and cycling for local journeys, and in doing so help to reduce carbon emissions, local air pollution and noise generated by traffic.
53.4 Public and stakeholder consultation on the active travel proposals was undertaken in November and December 2024. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative feedback shows that, in general, respondents were supportive of measures to improve active travel, however views were mixed on whether the proposed schemes would achieve their objectives. Overall, most of the proposals, especially those in the Polegate and Stone Cross area, received more support than opposition from respondents.
53.5 Concerns were raised about some elements of the proposals put forward at consultation. These included the proposal to make Western Road one way between Sussex Avenue and Summerheath Road as part of Hailsham Core Walking and Cycling Zone scheme as well as elements of the Hempstead Lane traffic calming proposals and the loss of bulb planting by converting the existing segregated sections of footway and cycle route in Polegate between Aberdale Road and Levett Road to shared use.