Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/10/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 43)

43 Part demolition of building and removal of double mobile classroom to facilitate two storey extensions (x2) to the main School building to create 5no additional classrooms, and associated ancillary spaces including offices, stores and WCs to increase the capacity of the School to a 3 form of entry. Cradle Hill Community Primary School, Lexden Road, Seaford, BN25 3BA - LW/3322/CC pdf icon PDF 191 KB

Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Additional documents:


43.1     The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. A slight amendment to the Highway Authority Plan at Pitt Drive, following discussions between the applicant and Highways Authority, was brought to the Committee’s attention. 


43.2     Mr Colin Newbold spoke against the recommendation.


43.3     Fiona Wright, Assistant Director, Children’s Services and Maureen Fairhead, Headteacher of Cradle Hill Primary School, spoke in support of the recommendation.


43.4     Councillor Lambert, the Local Member, spoke to highlight concerns over the road safety and traffic management arrangements associated with the application and requested that further conditions be included on these matters.


43.5     Members have considered the officer’s report and the comments of the public speakers and Local Member, and agree with the conclusion and reasons for recommendation, as set out in paragraph 7 of the report.


43.6     RESOLVED, by four votes to none with Councillors Buchanan, Field and Taylor abstaining, to grant planning permission, subject to the completion of the following procedure:


(i)  To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to secure, in conjunction with the Assistant Chief Executive, a Legal Agreement or Undertaking requiring a contribution of £5000 towards alterations to the Traffic Regulation Order to include additional ‘keep clear’ markings outside the School, a bus clearway on Lexden Drive, junction protection parking restrictions, the provision of 9 sets of pedestrian crossing points, and any other reasonable ancillary requirements; and


(ii) To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to grant planning permission upon completion of the Legal Agreement or Undertaking subject to conditions along the lines as indicated in Minute 43.7 below.


(iii) To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to refer the application back to this Committee if the Legal Agreement or Undertaking is not secured within 6 months.


43.7     The grant of permission should be subject to the following conditions:


1.      The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


         Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed in the Schedule of Approved Plans.


         Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.      No development shall take place until a Construction Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The Plan shall include details of how noise and dust emissions and any external lighting will be controlled and minimised during the construction of the approved development to the benefit of occupiers of nearby properties. Details shall also be included on how the applicant/contractor will keep neighbours informed of the activities at the site, which may include letter drops and public liaison meetings. The approved Plan shall be carried out in full.


         Reason: In the interests of safeguarding the amenity of local residents, in accordance with Saved Policy ST3 of the Lewes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43