Issue - meetings

Orbis Joint Committee Forward Plan

Meeting: 05/12/2016 - Orbis Joint Committee (Item 68)

Orbis Joint Committee Forward Plan



Declarations of interest:






Adrian Stockbridge, Orbis Programme Manager, Surrey County Council

Ann Charlton, Director of Legal, Democratic and Cultural Services

David Kuenssberg, Executive Director Finance and Resourcing, Brighton & Hove City Council

Kevin Foster, Chief Operating Officer, East Sussex County Council

John Stebbings, Chief Property Officer, Surrey County Council

Marie Greenan, Orbis Programme Coordinator, East Sussex County Council

Sheila Little, Integrated Director of Finance


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.       Members agreed to consider an additional item at this meeting to review and approve the Orbis Joint Committee Forward Plan. Consequently, a copy of the Forward Plan was tabled at the meeting for consideration by Members. The Committee was advised that officers were currently reviewing the format of the Forward Plan with a view to improving how it is structured.


2.       It was agreed that the Service Update from Finance would be considered at the Joint Committee meeting scheduled to take place on 3 April 2016 as it was felt that the January meeting would be too early to provide Members with an update on the progress of integrating Finance teams.


3.       Members asked whether existing legislation governing local authority committees permitted meetings to take place via videoconference. It was agreed that officers would review the legislation to determine whether or not this was possible.


Actions/ further information to be provided:


1.            The service update from Finance to be considered at the Orbis Joint Committee meeting scheduled for 3 April 2017.


2.            officers to review whether existing legislation permits local authority committee meetings to take place via videoconference.