Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes. View directions
Contact: Hannah Matthews Governance and Democracy Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: 29.1 RESOLVED – to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the County Council meeting held on 9 July 2024.
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: 30.1 Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Claire Dowling, Sarah Osborne, and Christine Robinson. |
Chairman's business Additional documents: Minutes: PLEDGE TO CHILDREN IN CARE 31.1 The Chairman reported that a copy of the Council’s pledge to Children in Care had been left on the desk of every councillor. Councillor Bowdler then provided further detail regarding the Pledge, and a short video from Children in Care in East Sussex was played. CHAIRMAN’S ACTIVITIES 31.2 The Chairman reported that he had attended a number of engagements since the last County Council meeting including: the Eastbourne and District Samaritans AGM; Seaford Civic Reception; Polegate Town Council Community Summer Fun Day; Peacehaven Civic Service; Ashdown Forest Volunteer Summer Celebration; Military Garden Party; Dieppe Raids Commemorations; Lord Lieutenant Citizenship Ceremony; East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust AGM; Chairman’s Tea for Volunteers; the installation of Dean of Chichester; West Sussex County Council Late Summer Reception; Clifton Community Centre to celebrate improvements; a visit to Hailsham. The Chairman also reported that he had hosted the Chairman’s Summer Reception to welcome new Mayors and Chairs. 31.3 The Chairman thanked the Vice Chairman for his ongoing support, including his attendance at the Shades of Sussex Film; the Summer Civic Reception; Chairman’s Tea for Volunteers; and the return of PS Waverley. PETITIONS 31.4 The following petitions were presented before the meeting by Councillors:
PRAYERS 31.5 The Chairman thanked the Reverend James Knowles - Vicar, All Saints' Church, Eastbourne for leading prayers before the meeting.
Questions from members of the public Additional documents: Minutes: 32.1 Copies of questions from members of the public and the answers from Councillor Gerard Fox, Chair of the Pension Committee, Councillor Carl Maynard, Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health, and Councillor Nick Bennett, Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change are attached to these minutes. Three supplementary questions were asked and responded to.
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: 33.1 There were no declarations of interest.
Reports Additional documents: Minutes: 34.1 The Chairman of the County Council, having called over the reports set out in the agenda, reserved the following for discussion: Cabinet Report – paragraph 1 (Council Monitoring, Quarter 1 2024/45), paragraph 2 (East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4 – 2024/25), paragraph 3 (Annual progress report to full Council on the Council’s progress towards net zero. NON-RESERVED PARAGRAPHS On the motion of the Chairman of the County Council, the Council adopted those paragraphs in reports that had not been reserved for discussion as follows: Cabinet Report – paragraph 4 (Ashdown Forest Trust Fund). Governance Committee report – paragraph 1 (Flexible retirement policy), paragraph 2 (DBS checks for Members), and paragraph 3 (Amendment to the Constitution).
Report of the Cabinet Additional documents:
Minutes: Paragraph 1 (Council Monitoring Q1 – 2024/25 35.1 Councillor Bennett moved the reserved paragraph. 35.2 The paragraph was noted after the debate. Paragraph 2 (East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4 – 2024/25)</AI5> 35.3 Councillor Glazier introduced the reserved paragraph in the Cabinet’s report. 35.4 Councillor Glazier moved the adoption of paragraph 3 of the Cabinet’s report. The motion was CARRIED after the debate. Paragraph 3 (Annual progress report to Full Council on the Council’s progress towards net zero)</AI5> 35.5 Councillor Bennett moved the reserved paragraph. 35.6 The paragraph was noted after the debate.
The Chairman has directed under Standing Order 36.9 (1) that the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Cross shall stand referred to the County Council. This motion calls on East Sussex County Council to declare that we understand the important role it plays in welcoming people who are fleeing violence and persecution by offering them safety and sanctuary and therefore resolves to adopt these Core Principles: 1. All asylum seekers, refugees and migrants should be treated with dignity and respect. 2. A fair and effective process to decide whether people need protection should be in place. 3. No one should be locked up indefinitely. 4. No one should be left sick or destitute in our society. 5. We should welcome the stranger and help them to integrate This motion calls on East Sussex County Council to commit to applying to become a member of the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, with the aim of becoming a recognized Council of Sanctuary. Becoming recognised as a County Council of Sanctuary involves the following: - developing a strategic place-based approach to supporting new arrivals to integrate and rebuild their lives - building on existing partnerships across public and voluntary sectors providers to enable development of a wholistic offer of support - engaging with people with lived experience to ensure that services meet the needs to people seeking sanctuary This motion further calls on East Sussex County Council to join the Migrant Champions Network and appoints a councillor to act as a Migrant Champion. That this councillor is recognised within our Council as an advocate for migrant constituents, and for migrants' rights issues within the local council and beyond.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 36.1 The following motion was moved by Councillor Cross and seconded by Councillor Hilton: This motion calls on East Sussex County Council to declare that we understand the important role it plays in welcoming people who are fleeing violence and persecution by offering them safety and sanctuary and therefore resolves to adopt these Core Principles: 1. All asylum seekers, refugees and migrants should be treated with dignity and respect. 2. A fair and effective process to decide whether people need protection should be in place. 3. No one should be locked up indefinitely. 4. No one should be left sick or destitute in our society. 5. We should welcome the stranger and help them to integrate This motion calls on East Sussex County Council to commit to applying to become a member of the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, with the aim of becoming a recognized Council of Sanctuary. Becoming recognised as a County Council of Sanctuary involves the following: - developing a strategic place-based approach to supporting new arrivals to integrate and rebuild their lives - building on existing partnerships across public and voluntary sectors providers to enable development of a wholistic offer of support - engaging with people with lived experience to ensure that services meet the needs to people seeking sanctuary This motion further calls on East Sussex County Council to join the Migrant Champions Network and appoints a councillor to act as a Migrant Champion. That this councillor is recognised within our Council as an advocate for migrant constituents, and for migrants' rights issues within the local council and beyond.
36.2 The following amendment was moved by Councillor Maynard and seconded. This motion calls on East Sussex County Council to declare that we understand [insert words] and embrace the important role it plays in welcoming people who are fleeing violence and persecution by offering them safety, [insert words] a role carried out effectively and enthusiastically by East Sussex County Council. (Delete)
Questions from County Councillors a) Oral questions to Cabinet Members b) Written questions of which notice has been given pursuant to Standing Order 44 Additional documents: Minutes: 37.1 The following members asked questions of the Lead Cabinet Members indicated, and they responded:
37.2 There were three oral questions from members to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment. In the absence of the Lead Member, it was agreed that oral questions should be submitted in writing to Councillor Claire Dowling for a response. 37.3 Ten written questions were received from Councillors Cross, Field, Lambert and Taylor to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment. Councillor Lambert also asked a question to the Leader. 37.4 In the absence of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment, it was agreed that supplementary questions should be submitted in writing to Councillor Claire Dowling for a response. </AI7>