Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes. View directions

Contact: Andy Cottell  01273 481935


No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2021 pdf icon PDF 691 KB

Additional documents:


50.1     RESOLVED- to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the County Council meeting held on 9 February 2021.


Apologies for absence

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51.1     There were no apologies for absence.


Chairman's business

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52.1     The Chairman announced that this was the last Full Council meeting before the elections in May.  The Chairman wished all councillors every success in the future whether they were seeking re-election or were retiring and thanked all councillors for their work on behalf of the people of East Sussex. The Chairman reminded councillors that the pre-election period arrangements formally come into force next week and the need for you to exercise discretion in the coming weeks.




52.2     The following petitions were presented before the meeting by members:

Councillor Osborne                                                                                            

- calling on the County Council to take action to improve road safety on the B2116 east of the junction with Plumpton Lane

Councillor Stephen Shing                                                                                            

- calling on the County Council to improve the road surface on the C40 Jevington Road.


52.3     The Chairman thanked the Reverend Annette Hawkins for leading the prayers before the meeting


Questions from members of the public pdf icon PDF 518 KB

Additional documents:


53.1     Copies of the questions received from members of the public and the answer from Councillor Fox (Chair of the Pension Committee) are attached to these minutes.


Declarations of Interest

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54.1     There were no declarations of interest.



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55.1     The Chairman of the County Council having called over the reports set out in the agenda, reserved the following for discussion:


Cabinet report – paragraph 1 (Council monitoring)  

Lead member for Transport and Environment report (paragraph 1 (Notice of Motion – road safety on the A259)




55.2     On the motion of the Chairman of the County Council, the Council ADOPTED those paragraphs in the reports that had not been reserved for discussion as follows:


Cabinet report – paragraph 2 (Conservators of Ashdown Forest Budget)

Governance Committee report – paragraph 1 (Coronavirus meeting arrangements) and paragraph 2 (Pay Policy Statement)



Report of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Additional documents:


Paragraph 1 (Council monitoring)

56.1     Councillor Glazier moved the reserved paragraph in the Cabinet’s report.

56.2     The motion was CARRIED after debate.



Report of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment pdf icon PDF 507 KB

Additional documents:


Paragraph 1 (Notice of Motion – Road Safety on the A259)


57.1     Councillor Claire Dowling moved the reserved paragraph of the Lead Member’s report.

57.2     The Chairman stated that as the recommendation of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment was to reject the motion rather than proposing an amendment the Council would vote on the original motion as proposed by Councillor Lambert and seconded by Councillor Grover as set out in paragraph 1.1 of the report.


57.3     Councillor Lambert indicated that she wished to amend the motion she had submitted as follows:


Members will be aware of the two accidents in two days that closed the A259 in Seaford at the junction with Marine Parade.  Statistically, the roads in East Sussex are among the highest in the country for killed and seriously injured people. Seaford is the biggest town in Lewes district and is continuing to grow.

East Sussex County Council agrees to (1) request the Cabinet to:

  • undertake a proper survey of the whole town, not just the Buckle by-pass, with particular focus on all the junctions with the A259, to identify the areas of greatest risk to both car users, cyclists and pedestrians, and to come up with some concrete proposals to enhance road safety. The County Council is already undertaking a review of the A259 from Seaford to Brighton in terms of congestion and the safety of both car users, pedestrians and cyclists should be part of that;
  • impose lower speed limits on the approaches to Seaford and to work with partners to ensure these are enforced;
  • provide safe pedestrian crossings at key points of the A259 including at the Bishopstone junctions


(2) bearing in mind the wider concerns about road safety, to request the Place Scrutiny Committee, to undertake a review of the criteria for intervention on road safety issues including work on setting lower speed limits. .  


57.4     In accordance with Standing order 29 a vote was taken on whether the Council consented to the original motion being amended and the Council did not consent to the alteration of the motion.


57.5     The following motion was LOST after debate:


Members will be aware of the two accidents in two days that closed the A259 in Seaford at the junction with Marine Parade.  Statistically, the roads in East Sussex are among the highest in the country for killed and seriously injured people. Seaford is the biggest town in Lewes district and is continuing to grow.

East Sussex County Council agrees to request the Cabinet to:

  • undertake a proper survey of the whole town, not just the Buckle by-pass, with particular focus on all the junctions with the A259, to identify the areas of greatest risk to both car users, cyclists and pedestrians, and to come up with some concrete proposals to enhance road safety. The County Council is already undertaking a review of the A259 from Seaford to Brighton in terms of congestion and the safety of both car users, pedestrians and cyclists should be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 57.


Questions from County Councillors pdf icon PDF 429 KB

(a)  Oral questions to Cabinet Members

(b)  Written Questions of which notice has been given pursuant to Standing Order 44



Additional documents:


58.1     The following members asked questions of the Lead Cabinet Members indicated and they responded:





Councillor Tutt

Councillor Glazier

Possible bid for funding announced in budget statement by the Chancellor


Councillor Scott

Councillor Claire Dowling

Condition of roads in Hastings and contract compliance in relation to pothole repairs

Councillor Field

Councillor Glazier

Notification to members of works in their division including emergency works 


Councillor Godfrey Daniel

Councillor Claire Dowling

Use of additional funding from Government for pothole repairs and road maintenance including highway lining


Councillor Webb

Councillor Standley

Inclusion of black history, anti racism and diversity in training for teachers


Councillor Whetstone

Councillor Glazier

Budget for Conservators of Ashdown Forest





58.2     Five written questions were received from Councillors Stogdon, Lambert, Field, Ungar and Philip Daniel  for the Chair of the Pension Committee, the Lead Member for Transport and Environment, the Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability and the Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health. The questions and answers are attached to these minutes. The Chair and the Pension Committee and the Lead Members responded to  supplementary questions.