Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Tuesday, 7th December, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes. View directions

Contact: Andy Cottell  01273 481935


No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2021 pdf icon PDF 574 KB

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38.1     RESOLVED – to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the County Council held on 12 October 2021 as a correct record.


Apologies for absence

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39.1     Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Charles Clark, Gerard Fox, Roy Galley, Keith Glazier, Carl Maynard, Paul Redstone, Georgia Taylor and Trevor Webb.


Chairman's business

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40.1     The Chairman reported that he had attended a number engagements since the last meeting including a service of reflection in Hastings and the Pontifical Sung Vespers at Arundel Cathedral. The Chairman thanked the Vice Chairman for covering a number of engagements over the past few weeks including the Remembrance Service in Lewes.


40.2     The Chairman reminded the public that the Council’s Constitution states that a questioner shall be limited to one question per meeting. Over recent months, there had been a trend of local residents submitting questions that have multiple parts. In order to ensure the Constitution is complied with, the Chairman stated that he would allow multiple questions for the meeting today but from the next meeting a question with multiple parts would not be permitted.


40.3     The following petitions were presented before the meeting by Councillors:

Councillor Maples                                                                                              

- calling on the County Council to ban the use of glyphosate

Councillor Milligan                                                                                             

- calling on the County Council to review speed limits on the A272 between North Chailey and Newick

Councillor Ungar

-calling on the Council to fund upgrades to two pedestrian crossings in Old Town, Eastbourne




40.4     The Chairman thanked the Reverend Martin Miller for leading prayers before the meeting.



Questions from members of the public pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Additional documents:


41.1     Copies of a question from a member of the public and the answer from Councillor Glazier  (the Leader and Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development) are attached to these minutes. A supplementary question was asked and the questioner was advised that given the absence of the Leader a written response would be provided.


Declarations of Interest

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42.1     There were no declarations of interest.



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43.1     The Chairman of the County Council, having called over the reports set out in the agenda, reserved the following for discussion:


Lead Member for Transport and Environment – paragraph 1 (Notice of Motion – use of glyphosate on public highways and Council owned land.




43.2     On the motion of the Chairman of the County Council, the Council adopted those paragraphs in the reports that had not been reserved for discussion as follows:


Cabinet report – paragraph 1 (appointment of External Auditors)

Governance Committee report – paragraph 1 (non-attendance at meetings) and 2 (vacation of officer – failure to attend meetings)


Report of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment pdf icon PDF 568 KB

Additional documents:


Paragraph 1 (Notice of Motion – use of glyphosate on public highway and Council owned land)

44.1     The Chairman stated that as the recommendation of the Lead Member was to reject the motion rather than proposing an amendment the Council would vote on the original motion as proposed by Councillor Maples and seconded by Councillor Hilton as set out in paragraph 1.1 of the report.


44.2     The motion was LOST after debate


Questions from County Councillors pdf icon PDF 307 KB

(a)  Oral questions to Cabinet Members

(b)  Written Questions of which notice has been given pursuant to Standing Order 44



Additional documents:


45.1     The following members asked questions of the Lead Cabinet Members indicated and they responded:





Councillor Osborne

Councillor Maynard

Number of East Sussex residents waiting for an assessment of their needs and a comparison with the number in previous years  


Councillor Ungar

Councillor Bowdler

Impact of cuts to the early years budget and children’s centre provision on protecting vulnerable children in East Sussex


Councillor Lambert

Councillor Claire Dowling


Provision of kerb free level parking bays 


Councillor Robinson

Councillor Maynard

Update on the County Council’s White Ribbon accreditation



Councillor Daniel

Councillor Glazier

Update regarding the £3.5m North Queensway Project awarded to Hastings Fast Track Business Solutions


Councillor Tutt

Councillor Glazier

Review of issues in relation to the North Queensway project application


Councillor Collier

Councillor Claire Dowling

Consultation regarding the library service provision in Peacehaven


Councillor Denis

Councillor Standley

Guidance issued to schools in relation to the Covid pandemic and ventilation in school buildings


Councillor Hilton

Councillor Bennett

Contingency plans in relation to severe weather events in East Sussex


Councillor Stephen Shing


Councillor Claire Dowling

Gulley clearing schedule for the County

Councillor Maples

Councillor Bennett

Preparedness for emergencies


Councillor Scott

Councillor Claire Dowling

Funding for dropped kerbs and white lines




45.2     Three written questions were received from Councillors  Lambert and Georgia Taylor for  the Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability, the Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change and the Leader and Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development. The questions and answers are attached to these minutes. The Lead Members responded to  supplementary questions.