Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Tuesday, 22nd March, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes. View directions

Contact: Andy Cottell  01273 481935


No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2022 pdf icon PDF 669 KB

Additional documents:


54.1     RESOLVED – to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the County Council meeting held on 8 February 2022.


Apologies for absence

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55.1     Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Abul Azad, Godfrey Daniel, Paul Redstone and Daniel Shing.


Chairman's business

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56.1     The Chairman reported that a copy of the Council’s pledge to Children in Care had been left on the desk of every councillor. Councillor Bowdler then provided further detail regarding the Pledge.



56.2     The Chairman reported that as councillors will have noted the Ukrainian flag was being flown on the County Hall forecourt and the flag was displayed on each desk in the Chamber. The Chairman advised that the Council was ready to play its part and that a report on this issue submitted to a future Cabinet meeting.




56.3     The Chairman reported that he had attended two engagements since the last meeting of the Council – an International Mother Day event and a memorial service at Westminster Abbey for Dame Vera Lynn.



56.4     The Chairman reported that no petitions had been presented by councillors before the meeting.



56.5     The Chairman thanked Reverend Ben Brown for leading prayers before the meeting.


Questions from members of the public pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Additional documents:


57.1     Copies of a question from a member of the public and the answer from Councillor Fox (Chair of the Pension Committee) are attached to these minutes. A supplementary question was asked and responded to.


Declarations of Interest

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58.1     There were no declarations of interest.



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59.1     The Chairman of the County Council, having called over the reports set out in the agenda, reserved the following for discussion:

Cabinet report – paragraph 1 (Council Monitoring)

Governance Committee report – paragraph 1 (Pay Policy Statement)

Lead Member for Transport and Environment report – paragraph 1 (Notice of Motion – 20 mph zones in roads around schools and playgrounds)


59.2     On the motion of the Chairman of the County Council, the Council adopted those paragraphs in reports that had not been reserved for discussion as follows:

Cabinet report – paragraph 2 (Conservators of Ashdown Forest 2022/23 budget)

Governance Committee report – paragraph 2 (review of the Scheme of Allowances for Members)



Report of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Additional documents:


Paragraph 1 (Council Monitoring)

60.1     Councillor Glazier moved the reserved paragraph in the Cabinet report.

60.2     The motion was CARRIED after debate.


Report of the Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Additional documents:


Paragraph 1 (Pay Policy Statement)

61.1     Councillor Glazier moved the reserved paragraph in the Governance Committee report.

61.2     The motion was CARRIED after debate.



Report of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment pdf icon PDF 343 KB

Additional documents:


Paragraph 1 (Notice of Motion – 20 mph zones on roads around schools and playgrounds)

62.1     Councillor Claire Dowling moved the reserved paragraph of the Lead Member’s report.


62.2 The following amendment was moved by Councillor Holt and seconded:

To delete the motion of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment and Health and insert:

a)    That this Council recognises the work already carried out by the East Sussex Road Safety Programme to reduce speeding in our county.

b)    That this Council requests that the Cabinet considers increasing the number of 20mph zones in roads surrounding schools and playgrounds, to further reduce incidents, anti-social driving and near misses.

c)    The Council requests that a report on plans to increase the ease for residents to apply for 20mph zones be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting.


62.3     A recorded vote on the amendment was requested and taken. The amendment was LOST, the votes being cast as follows:


Councillors Collier, Denis, Field, Hilton, Holt, Lambert, MacCleary, Maples,  Murphy, Osborne, Robinson, Rodohan, Scott, Stephen Shing, Shuttleworth, Swansborough, Georgia Taylor, Tutt, Ungar and Webb.  




Councillors Adeniji, Beaver, Belsey, Bennett, Bowdler, Clark, di Cara, Chris Dowling, Claire Dowling, Fox, Galley, Geary, Glazier, Hay, Hollidge, Howell, Kirby-Green, Liddiard, Lunn, Marlow-Eastwood, Maynard, Milligan, Pragnell, Simmons, Standley and Barry Taylor.





62.4     A recorded vote was taken on the motion moved by Councillor Claire Dowling as follows:

(1)  The County Council is committed to working with all stakeholders to tackle road safety and recognises the work already carried out by the East Sussex Road Safety Programme which resulted in a reduction in speeding reoffences, crashes and casualties;

(2)   That this Council recognises the range of road safety improvements that are introduced each year, which can include 20mph schemes, traffic calming and pedestrian crossings, and endorses the current multi-faceted approach as set out in this report;

(3)   The County Council endorses the simple process that is in place for residents to request road safety measures, including 20mph schemes; and

(4)  The County Council recognises that the review of the East Sussex County Council Local Transport Plan will commence from Spring 2022 and requests that Road Safety interventions are part of that review.

62.5     The Motion was CARRIED with the votes being cast as follows:



Councillors Adeniji, Beaver, Belsey, Bennett, Bowdler, Clark, Collier, Denis, di Cara, Chris Dowling, Claire Dowling, Field, Fox, Galley, Geary, Glazier, Hay, Hilton, Hollidge, Holt, Howell, Kirby-Green, Lambert, Liddiard, Lunn, MacCleary, Maples,  Marlow-Eastwood, Maynard, Milligan, Murphy, Osborne, Pragnell, Robinson, Rodohan, Scott, Stephen Shing, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Standley Swansborough, Barry Taylor, Georgia Taylor, Tutt, Ungar and Webb.  











Questions from County Councillors pdf icon PDF 461 KB

(a)  Oral questions to Cabinet Members

(b)  Written Questions of which notice has been given pursuant to Standing Order 44



Additional documents:


53.1     The following members asked questions of the Lead Cabinet Members indicated and they responded:





Councillor Lambert

Councillor Glazier


Guidance from Government regarding assistance and support for Ukrainian refugees


Councillor Tutt

Councillor Glazier

Representations to Southern Water regarding discharges of untreated waste water into the sea


Councillor Murphy

Councillor Claire  Dowling


Closure of the A27 and other roads to allow for the transportation of a large load on 19 and 20 March


Councillor Scott

Councillor Claire Dowling

Review of the policy and criteria for filling potholes


Councillor Field

Councillor Glazier

Mileage allowance paid to staff


Councillor Stephen Shing


Councillor Claire Dowling

Cost of licence for street parties to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Councillor Denis

Councillor Claire Dowling


Installation of a bus shelter in Ringmer

Councillor Hilton

Councillor Bennett


County Council’s dealings with SeaChange


Councillor Stephen Shing


Councillor Bennett

Plans for land adjacent to the Eastbourne Road (A2270), Eastbourne



53.2     Three written questions were received from Councillors Lambert and Murphy  for  the Leader and Lead Meber for Strategic Management and Economic Development, the Lead Member for Transport and the Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability. The questions and answers are attached to these minutes. The Lead Members responded to  supplementary questions.