Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes. View directions
Contact: Andy Cottell 01273 481935
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To elect a Chairman of the County Council Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Galley (Vice Chairman of the County Council) in the Chair 1.1 The following motion was moved by Councillor Glazier and seconded – ‘To elect Councillor Pragnell to serve as Chairman of the County Council for the ensuing year’. 1.2 There being no other nominations, the Chairman put the motion to the vote and declared Councillor Pragnell elected as Chairman for the ensuing year. Councillor Pagnell made a declaration of acceptance of office and took the Chair. Councillor Pragnell in the Chair 1.3 The Chairman thanked the Council for the honour it had bestowed on him in re-electing him as Chairman for a further year. |
To appoint a Vice Chairman of the County Council Additional documents: Minutes: 2.1 The following motion was moved by Councillor Glazier and seconded – ‘To appoint Councillor Galley to serve as Vice Chairman of the County Council for the ensuing year’. 2.2 The following motion was moved by Councillor Scott and seconded – ‘To appoint Councillor Daniel to serve as Vice Chairman of the County Council for the ensuing year’. 2.3 The Council agreed to vote by a show of hands. Following the vote, the Chairman decaled Councillor Galley appointed as Vice Chairman of the County Council for the ensuing year. Councillor Galley made a declaration of acceptance of office and took his seat as Vice Chairman. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2022 PDF 583 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 3.1 RESOLVED – to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the County Council meeting held on 22 March 2022. |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: 4.1 Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Johanna Howell, Paul Redstone and John Ungar. |
Chairman's business Additional documents: Minutes: KEITH HINKLEY 5.1 The Chairman stated that Keith Hinkley, our Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health, has been a key part of the senior officer team here since he was appointed as Director of Adult Social Care in January 2005. I am aware that newer Members may not know Keith as, since October 2020 he has worked primarily in West Sussex as part of our local improvement partnership. Keith will be retiring later this month and I know we will all want to mark the occasion and thank Keith for all he has done for East Sussex. Keith joined the County Council in March 1992 and held various roles before becoming a Chief Officer. His contribution, professionalism and leadership in the transformation of adult social care services, the wider county council and the integration with health has been outstanding. I know you will all join me in wishing Keith a long and happy retirement. The Leader of the Council and Group Leaders also paid tribute to Keith. CHAIRMAN’S ACTIVITIES 5.2 The Chairman reported that he had attended four engagements since the last meeting of the Council - the Reception for the Queens Award for voluntary service nominees, a performance of The Mikado at the White Rock Theatre, Hastings, the Mayoring Ceremony in Winchelsea and the Mayor Making Ceremony at Rye. PETTITIONS 5.3 The following petitions were presented before the meeting by members:
PRAYERS 5.4 The Chairman thanked the Right Reverend Richard Moth for leading prayers before the meeting. |
Record of delegation of Executive Functions PDF 224 KB The Leader to present to the County Council their written record of delegations of executive functions to Cabinet members including:
(a) names of the County Councillors appointed to the Cabinet;
(b) the extent of any authority delegated to cabinet members individually as portfolio holders;
(c) appointment to the position of Deputy Leader
(d) the terms of reference and constitution of the Cabinet and any executive committees together with the names of cabinet members appointed to them
(e) the nature and extent of any delegation of executive functions to local committees (f) the nature and extent of any delegation to officers Additional documents: Minutes: 6.1 In accordance with the Constitution, the Leader of the Council presented his written record to the Council of the appointment of Deputy Leader and appointments to the Cabinet, their portfolios and his delegation of executive functions. A copy of the Leader’s report is attached to these minutes. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: 7.1 There were no declarations of interest. |
Reports Additional documents: Minutes: 8.1 The Chairman of the County Council, having called over the reports set out in the agenda, reserved the following for discussion:
Governance Committee report – paragraph 2 (Amendment to the Constitution – debate on Cabinet priorities) NON-RESERVED PARAGRAPHS
8.2 On the motion of the Chairman of the County Council, the Council adopted those paragraphs in reports that had not been reserved for discussion as follows: Governance Committee report – paragraph 1 (allocation to Groups of places on committees) and paragraph 3 (Adoption Agency Delegation) Standards Committee report – paragraph 1 (annual report)
Report of the Governance Committee PDF 232 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Paragraph 2 (Amendment to the Constitution – debate on Cabinet priorities) 9.1 Councillor Glazier moved the reserved paragraph in the Governance Committee’s report. 9.2 The following amendment was moved by Councillor Daniel and seconded: a) Standing order 10 (11) At the July meeting, to debate the Cabinet’s priorities for the year ahead, with the exception of a year of Full Council elections when the debate will be held at the annual meeting
b) Standing Order 23 (2)
No speech shall exceed five minutes except
c) Standing Order 32.8 The Leader of the Council shall have a right of reply to the debate on the Cabinet’s priorities for the year ahead.
olAt the July meeting of the Council up to 90 minutes shall be set
aside for a debate of the Cabinet’s priorities for the year
ahead (and its past achievements) with the exception of a year of
Full Council elections when the debate will be held at the annual
meeting. The Leader of the Council and the Leaders of the
Opposition Groups shall be entitled to speak first and shall each
be permitted to speak for up to 10
9.3 Councillor Glazier indicated that he would be willing to accept the amendment. 9.4 The amended motion was CARRIED. |
Appointments to Committees and Sub-Committees PDF 32 KB (a) Scrutiny Committees Health Overview and Scrutiny People Place
(b) Audit Committee (c) Governance Committee (d) Regulatory Committee (e) Planning Committee (f) Standards Committee (g) Pension Committee
(Note 1: The proposed nominations from political and independent groups will be tabled at the meeting) (Note 2: In accordance with the statutory provisions, the proposed allocation of places to political and independent groups is set out in the report of the Governance Committee) Additional documents: Minutes: 10.1 Councillor Bennett moved, and it was seconded, that the appointments be made to the Committees and Sub-Committees listed in item 8 of the agenda, in accordance with the list of nominations from the political and independent groups, which had been circulated.
10.2 The motion was CARRIED.
Appointment of Members to other Committees and Panels (a) County Joint Consultative Committee (5 members of the County Council) (b) County Consultative Committee (Governors) (5 members of the County Council) (c) Joint Advisory Committee (Schools) (5 members of the County Council) (d) Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (5 members of the County) (e) Corporate Parenting Panel (7 members of the County Council)
[The memberships proposed by the political and independent groups will be circulated to members in advance of the meeting] Additional documents: Minutes: 11.1 Councillor Bennett moved, and it was seconded, that the appointments be made to the Committees and Panels listed in item 9 of the agenda, in accordance with the list of nominations from the political and independent groups, which had been circulated.
11.1 The motion was CARRIED |
Confirmation to the continuation of other bodies Approved Marriage Premises Review Panel Recruitment Panel (Chief Executive, Directors and Deputies) Commons and Village Green Registration Panel [The composition of these bodies is set out in the Constitution] Additional documents: Minutes: 12.1 Councillor Bennett moved, and it was seconded, that the bodies listed in agenda item 10 be continued, that the political balance provisions shall not apply to these Panels and that members be appointed by the Chief Executive as the need arises.
12.2 The motion was CARRIED (with no member voting against).
Appointment to the Discretionary Transport Appeal Panel [The membership of the Panel, proposed by the political groups will be tabled at the meeting] Additional documents: Minutes: 13.1 Councillor Bennett moved, and it was seconded, that the political balance provisions would not apply to the membership of the Discretionary Transport Appeal Panel and that members be appointed in accordance with the list of nominations from political groups that had been circulated.
13.2 The motion was CARRIED (with no member voting against).
Appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs (a) Chair of the Regulatory Committee (b) Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees (c) Chair and Vice Chair of the Audit Committee (d) Chair of the Governance Committee (e) Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee (f) Chair of the Pension Committee (g) Chair of the Standards Committee Additional documents: Minutes: 14.1 The following motion, moved by Councillor Bennett and seconded, was CARRIED:
To appoint the following members to positions listed below’:
Questions from members of the public PDF 301 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 13.1 Copies of the questions from members of the public and the answers from Councillor Fox (Chair of the Pension Committee) are attached to these minutes. A Supplementary question was asked and responded to. |
Questions from County Councillors PDF 8 KB (a) Oral questions to Cabinet Members (b) Written Questions of which notice has been given pursuant to Standing Order 44
Additional documents: Minutes: 14.1 The following members asked questions of the Lead Cabinet Members indicated and they responded:
14.2 One written question was received from Councillor Lambert for the Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change. The question and answer are attached to these minutes. The Lead Member responded to a supplementary question. |
Report of the East Sussex Fire Authority PDF 219 KB Additional documents: |