Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes. View directions
Contact: Stuart McKeown Member Services Manager
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: 43.1 RESOLVED – to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the County Council held on 6 December 2022 as correct. |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: 44.1 An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Phil Scott. |
Chairman's business Additional documents: Minutes: NEW YEAR’S HONOURS
45.1 On behalf of the Council, the Chairman congratulated all those who live or work in East Sussex who were recognised in the New Year’s honours.
45.2 The Chairman reported that he had attended the Mayor of Eastbourne’s Charity Christmas Dinner, a citizenship ceremony in Hastings, the Conservators Coffee morning in Forest Row, the opening of the All Saints Suite in Hastings and a number of carol services including those held by Seaford Town Council, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, a service at St Peter’s Church, Ashburnham (Family Support Work) and hosted a Christmas Reception at Blackstock Country Estate. The Chairman thanked the Vice Chairman for his ongoing support.
45.3 The following petitions were presented before the meeting by Councillors:
Councillor Ungar - calling on the County Council to reduce the traffic, car noise, pollution and risk of car accidents with pedestrians or between cars on Ocklynge Road, Eastbourne.
Councillor Murphy - calling on the County Council to convert Garfield Road, Hailsham to a one way system from Station Road to Bell Banks Road and instate a 20mph speed limit in the road.
Councillor Daniel - calling on the County Council to instigate a 20mph limit for Lower Park Road between Braybrooke Road/Bethune Way and Dordrecht Way, Hastings.
Councillor Maples - calling on the County Council to make 20mph the default for residential areas.
45.4 The Chairman thanked the Reverend Father John Wall for leading prayers before the meeting. |
Questions from members of the public Additional documents: Minutes: 46.1 Copies of the questions from members of the public and the answers from Councillor Bennett (Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change), Councillor Claire Dowling (Lead Member for Transport and Environment) and Councillor Fox (Chair of the Pension Committee) are attached to these minutes. A supplementary question was asked and responded to.
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: 47.1 There were no declarations of interest. |
Reports Additional documents: Minutes: 48.1 The Chairman of the County Council, having called over the reports set out in the agenda, reserved the following for discussion:
Cabinet report – paragraph 1 (Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources), paragraph 2 (Final draft Corporate Climate Emergency Plan for 2023-25), paragraph 3 (Scrutiny Review of Use of Digital and Technology in Adult Social Care and Health) and paragraph 6 (Annual Report of Looked After Children’s Services).
People Scrutiny Committee report – paragraph 1 (Scrutiny review – use of technology in Adult Social Care and Health).
East Sussex Fire Authority report – paragraph 1 (Medium Term Financial Plan Update – draft savings proposals).
48.2 On the motion of the Chairman of the County Council, the Council adopted those paragraphs in report that had not been reserved for discussion as follows:
Cabinet report – paragraph 4 (Council Monitoring: Quarter 2 2022/23), paragraph 5 (Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2023/24) and paragraph 7 (The Conservators of Ashdown Forest 2022/23 forecast out turn, medium term financial plan and vision and management strategy).
Governance Committee report – paragraph 1 (Adoption Agency Delegation). |
Report of the Cabinet Additional documents:
Minutes: Paragraph 1 – Reconciling Policy Performance and Resources
49.1 Under Standing Order 23, the Council agreed that the speeches of the Leaders of the 5 Groups (or the nominees) on paragraph 1 of the Cabinet’s report be extended beyond 5 minutes.
49.2 Councillor Bennett moved the adoption of paragraph 1 of the Cabinet’s report.
49.3 The following amendment (from the Liberal Democrat, Labour, Green and Independent Democrat Groups) was moved by Councillor Tutt and seconded:
Delete paragraph 1.71 of the Cabinet’s report and replace with:-
(1) approve, in principle, the draft Council Plan 2023/24 at Appendix 1 and authorise the Chief Executive to finalise the Plan in consultation with the relevant Lead Members;
(2) approve the net Revenue Budget estimates totalling £501.4m for 2023/24 as set out on Appendix 2 (Medium Term Financial Plan) and Appendix 3 (Budget Summary) and authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy the Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the Budget Summary to reflect the final settlement and budget decisions with the following one year only amendments:
(i) £615,000 to reduce the cost of transport, to service users, to and from Day Services. Directly provided by ESCC and commissioned from the private sector. This should reduce charges to users of this transport by 100%.
(ii) £628,500 to increase by 5% the provision of Mental Health non-residential services for working age mental health, older people's mental health and section 117 service users.
(iii) £300,000 to provide Carers' support. This sum to be allocated for bids from the Voluntary Sector to provide direct support for carers on a one-off basis that will help improve the quality of life for carers. This sum to be used to provide small sums to a number of Voluntary Organisations to achieve the aforementioned.
(iv) Additional School Streets - £300,000.
(v) Additional Resource for additional pavement repairs, dropped kerbs, rights of way and pothole repairs - £1,000,000.
(vi) Carbon mitigation and adaptation for One Council/One Planet – Recruit a Climate Adaptation and Mitigation officer to work on the systemic adaptation issues across the Council – looking at the big picture. Issues to include including flood management linking with natural environment, road response to extreme weather, extreme heat, feeding into retrofit strategies, care homes adaptation etc. There is a commitment to an adaptation plan in the new climate emergency plan but no obvious budget line, targets or timescale. This work is urgent and essential. £125,000 – 2023/24 and £125,000 – 2024/25.
(vii) Supporting Mission 2 and Mission 5 of the Council’s Recovery Plan to work with partners to identify skills and support needs in the county to deliver on climate adaption and mitigation and meet the county’s business and domestic retrofit needs in order to reduce the climate impact and user costs related to energy use. Also, to have the capacity to respond to government funding opportunities. £125,000 – 2023/24 and £125,000 – 2024/25.
(viii) CAMHS: To provide urgently needed services for ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Report of the People Scrutiny Committee Additional documents:
Minutes: Paragraph 1 – Scrutiny Review – Use of Technology In Adult Social Care And Health
50.1 The Chairman reminded the Council that he was taking paragraph 1 of this report with paragraph 3 of the Cabinet’s report.
50.2 Councillor Howell moved the adoption of paragraph 1 of the Scrutiny Committee report.
50.3 Councillor Glazier moved the adoption of paragraph 3 of the Cabinet’s report. The motion, including the recommendations, was CARRIED after debate.
50.4 The motion to adopt paragraph 1 of the Scrutiny Committee’s report, including the recommendations, was CARRIED after debate on the basis that implementation would be in accordance with the recommendations of the Cabinet. |
Questions from County Councillors Additional documents: Minutes: 51.1 The following members asked questions of the Lead Cabinet Members indicated and they responded:
Questioner Respondent Subject
Councillor Councillor Claire Dowling The work of the Pesticide Action Swansborough Network
Councillor Lambert Councillor Claire Dowling The end of a mentoring scheme aiming to improve adult literacy
Councillor Ungar Councillor Maynard Effects of NHS industrial action
Councillor Daniel Councillor Claire Dowling Flooding in the centre of Hastings
Councillor Daniel Councillor Glazier Industrial action by teachers in East Sussex
Councillor Daniel Councillor Claire Dowling Impact of the coronation of King Shing Charles III on highways in East Sussex
Councillor Stephen Councillor Glazier Increases to Council Tax Shing
Councillor Stephen Councillor Claire Dowling Road surface standards Shing
Councillor Maples Councillor Claire Dowling Environmental considerations for bus service contracts
51.2 Two written questions were received from Councillors Lambert and Hilton for the Lead Member for Transport and Environment. The questions and answers are attached to these minutes. The Lead Member responded to supplementary questions. |
Report of the East Sussex Fire Authority Additional documents: Minutes: 52.1 Members commented on paragraph 1 of the East Sussex Fire Authority’s report. |