Agenda and minutes

Governance Committee - Tuesday, 28th November, 2023 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes. View directions

Contact: Georgina Seligmann  Governance and Democracy Manager

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2023 pdf icon PDF 110 KB


35.1     RESOLVED – that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 7 November 2023 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.




36.1     Copies of the reports referred to below are included in the minute book.


Apologies for Absence


37.1     Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Tutt.


Review of Annual Governance Report and 2022/23 Statement of Accounts pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Report by the Chief Finance Officer.

Additional documents:


38.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Finance Officer regarding the Independent Auditor’s, Grant Thornton (GT), report on the audit opinion on the 2022/23 Statement of Accounts.  


38.2     The Committee RESOLVED to:


1)         note the Independent Auditor’s (GT) Report to those charged with governance on East Sussex County Council Accounts;

2)         authorise the Chief Finance Officer to sign the formal Letter of Representation to GT UK LLP; and

3)         approve the 2022/23 Statement of Accounts for publication.


LMG Managers Pay 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Report by the Chief Operating Officer.

Additional documents:


39.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer regarding the pay award for Local Managerial Grade (LMG) Managers for 2023/24.


39.2     The Committee RESOLVED to agree the pay offer for LMG Managers for the financial year 2023/24 to mirror the national (NJC) award, as set out in paragraph 2.6 of the report. 


Scrutiny Update pdf icon PDF 456 KB

Report by the Assistant Chief Executive.

Additional documents:


40.1     The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive that provided an overview of the scrutiny activity being undertaken by the People, Place and Health Overview Scrutiny Committees and an update on the work of the Audit Committee.


40.2     The Committee RESOLVED to:

1)         note the updates on recent scrutiny and Audit Committee activity and the current work programmes at appendices 1-4 of the report.