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Contact: Simon Bailey Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Decisions made by the Lead Cabinet Member on 11 November 2019 Minutes: 25.1 The Lead Member approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2019. |
Reports Minutes: 26.1 Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book.
Proposal for East Sussex parking charges Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport Additional documents:
Minutes: 27.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport, together with a revised Appendix 1B, and the comments of the Parking Charges Review Board held on 15 January 2020.
27.2 The Lead Member requested that Residents Permits can be purchased for 3, 6 and 12 months but with no additional cost / penalty if paying by instalments, and that officers consider the introduction of payment by monthly direct debit.
27.3 The Lead Member RESOLVED to (1) Note the response to the public consultation on increasing parking pay & display charges and the proposed changes to permit charges; and
(2) Approve the proposals: a. to increase parking pay & display tariffs and permit charges as detailed in Appendix 1; and
b. agree that pay & display tariffs and permit charges across the county should be reviewed annually.
27.4 There appears to be strong support for the County Council to introduce measures to reduce traffic congestion in our town centres. The proposed increase to parking charges will help to reduce vehicle trips and encourage greater use of sustainable modes of transport.
27.5 Concerns about the local air quality of our town centres were identified through the online questionnaire with almost two thirds of respondents indicating they feel the County Council should take measures to improve air quality across the county. Incentives such as a reduced resident parking permit for the least polluting vehicles will encourage a modal shift to electric vehicles. Over half of respondents to the online questionnaire indicated measures should be taken by the County Council to encourage more sustainable modes of transport across the county.
27.6 In order to achieve our objective of influencing driver behaviour and encourage people to use alternative sustainable forms of transport, additional tariff increases are likely to be required. It is proposed that any further increases to Parking Tariffs will be reviewed as part of the annual review of fees and charges.
Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport Additional documents:
Minutes: 28.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport, together with comments from Ms Vanessa Rowlands, the Parish Council representative on the South Downs National Park Authority.
28.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve: (1) The transfer of the freehold of Seven Sisters Country Park to the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA);
(2) The disposal of Ditchling Common Country Park to the Sussex Wildlife Trust for a peppercorn rent through a long lease with the s. 106 funds for the Ditchling Common Management Contribution (c £400k) also transferred;
(3) The transfer of the freehold of Ouse Estuary Nature Reserve to Newhaven Town Council;
(4) The disposal of Riverside Park by way of a lease to Newhaven Town Council, noting that a former decision dated 19 March 2013 relating to the transfer of the Riverside Newhaven site was aborted; and to
(5) Authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to approve the final terms for the above four disposals.
28.3 Public notices have been issued and terms negotiated, in principle, for the transfer or long lease of four countryside sites as directed by the Lead Member in June 2019 with outcomes that meet the objectives and terms of the County Council’s Countryside Access Strategy approved by Cabinet in June 2017.
28.4 No responses or objections were received to the proposed transfer of Seven Sisters Country Park, or to the proposed transfer of Ouse Estuary Nature Reserve and lease of Riverside Park.
28.5 The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) have outlined how they intend to make further improvements to the Seven Sisters Country Park to significantly improve the visitor experience subsequent to the initial £1.4 million investment. The SDNPA ambition is currently for a further £13m, but this will be dependent on successful bids for funding including an ongoing application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund.