Venue: Committee Room, County Hall, Lewes. View directions
Contact: Sophie Webb Governance and Democracy Officer
No. | Item |
Decisions made by the Lead Cabinet Member on 17 July 2023 Minutes: 28.1 The Lead Member approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2023. |
Disclosure of Interests Disclosure by all Members present of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Members regard the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct. Minutes: 29.1 There were none. |
Urgent items Notification of any items which the Lead Member considers urgent and proposes to take at the appropriate part of the agenda. Minutes: 30.1 There were none. |
Reports Minutes: 31.1 Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book. |
Petition: Introduction of a lorry route network Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport Additional documents:
Minutes: 32.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
32.2 Councillor Emily O’Brien, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to introduce a lorry route network similar to the one in West Sussex, so that HGVs are redirected away from narrow local roads in our villages spoke to highlight residents’ views regarding HGV movements and their impact on noise, vibration, safety and air quality.
32.3 The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise petitioners that:
(1) The existing freight routing network will be reviewed as part of a new East Sussex Freight Strategy which will form part of the County’s fourth Local Transport Plan; and
(2) A route study of the B2192 from Earwig Corner to the A265 at Cross in Hand, undertaken in 2021, has identified a package of measures which, if implemented, will seek to encourage those driving through Ringmer village to do so more sensitively.
32.4 The current approach for the freight routing network in East Sussex is that as so few roads in the County are really suitable for HGVs, it is expected that the “A” and “B” roads should be available to carry heavy lorries thereby allowing them to disperse over the available road network rather than to concentrate them on selected roads. As the road through Ringmer is a B class road (B2192), heavy goods vehicles using this route are complying with existing policy.
32.5 The petition cites that the County Council should adopt a similar lorry route network approach to West Sussex, which encourages all HGV movements to be undertaken on A roads apart from access only, and that local access trips using all other roads must be made in accordance with traffic signing and these roads should be avoided as far as possible. The County Council is currently reviewing their Local Transport Plan, which will include the development of a Freight Strategy.
Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport Additional documents: Minutes: 33.1 The Lead member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
33.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) approve the East Sussex County Council response and report on the Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2b public consultation;
(2) Approve the Victoria Place (Trinity Trees/Seaside to Grand Parade) pedestrianisation of Terminus Road progressing to detailed design and construction; and
(3) Approve the Memorial Roundabout and Ring Road relocation elements of the package progressing to detailed design and that funding opportunities are explored to enable the construction of both of these schemes.
33.3 Phase 2b of the Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package focusses on upgrading the existing Terminus Road pedestrianised area from Langney Road through to its junction with Seaside Road/Trinity Trees. In addition, it addresses pedestrianising the ‘Victoria Place’ section of Terminus Road from Seaside Road/Trinity Trees to Grand Parade funded through Eastbourne Borough Council’s ‘Levelling Up Fund’ allocation, alongside future pedestrian crossing improvements at Memorial Roundabout and the proposed relocation of the northern and western sections of the town centre ring road.
33.4 Following a series of co-development and design workshops and site visits held with a mixture of local interest groups and elected officials, public consultation was undertaken on the Eastbourne Town Centre Phase 2b proposals in October and November 2022. There was a mixed response on the proposals with good levels of support for the Memorial roundabout and ring road relocation schemes. However, there was less support for the Terminus Road proposals with the majority of comments expressing concerns regarding the lack of cycling provision through the existing and proposed pedestrianised area.
33.5 Whilst the Terminus Road proposals did not receive as much support as the other Phase 2b proposals, they build upon the previous and planned investment made in Phase 1 and Phase 2a improvements to Terminus Road and will enable the completion of the pedestrianised route between the rail station and the seafront meeting a key objective of the overall movement and access package for Eastbourne town centre.
33.6 The concerns raised during the consultation will, where practicable, be considered and addressed at the detailed design stage. The scheme will be funded using the £4.74m Levelling Up funding secured by Eastbourne Borough Council with construction currently programmed to be completed by the end of March 2025. Due to ongoing cost inflation pressures being experienced in the construction sectors and across supply chains as a result of cost inflation rises, arising from external factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine and cost of living crisis, programme delivery will be continued to be monitored closely. |
Creation of a single Parking Board Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport Additional documents:
Minutes: 34.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
34.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) Agree the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix 1 of the report; and
(2) Authorise the creation of a single Parking Board covering all four areas of Civil Parking Enforcement.
34.3 Revision of how the current joint Parking Boards are held to include all four CPE areas, will ensure a consistent approach across the county and making the best use of Members’ and officers’ time. |
Proposed minor amendments to the Community Match Initiative Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport Minutes: 35.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
35.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) Approve the following proposed changes to the Community Match Initiative:
· to increase the maximum match funding contribution that East Sussex County Council will make to a scheme from £50,000 to £60,000, which will need to be matched by the Parish Council, Town Council or community group; · the introduction of a maximum indicative cost estimate for a Community Match scheme and that this is set at £120,000; and · the introduction of a new gateway which will enable feedback to be provided within four weeks regarding the viability of proposed locally identified solutions to the traffic or transport issues; and
(2) to note that new guidance and a community match handbook will be issued online at
35.3 The community match initiative remains an important funding route for local communities to progress schemes which are not currently a priority for the County Council. The proposed changes to the management and administration of the initiative will enhance its accessibility and improve the customer experience for applicants.
35.4 The increase to the maximum amount of funding from East Sussex County Council from £50,000 to £60,000 to any one project will help ensure that the identified cost pressures do not act as a barrier to the progress of these smaller scale projects. |