Agenda and minutes

East Sussex Schools Forum - Friday, 15th January, 2021 8.30 am

Venue: Remote meeting

Contact: Ed Beale, Schools Funding Manager,  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies pdf icon PDF 23 KB


1.1        Hugh welcomed all and thanked everyone for their attendance.

It was confirmed the meeting was quorate, recognising the apologies below.


1.2          Apologies were received from:
                - Richard Blakely (Harlands Primary)

                - Kim Larkin (Apprentice Programme Coordinator)

                - Phil Clarke (Trade Union Representative)



Minutes of the previous meeting 20 November 2020 pdf icon PDF 567 KB


2.1       The minutes for the meeting held were approved as a true record and will be signed by the Chair and scanned to Rachel King.


Matters arising and Declarations of Interest


3.1       There were no declarations of interest and there were no matters arising.


Dedicated schools grant (DSG) 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 635 KB


4.1          Ed Beale introduced this paper and outlined the information for members. Schools’ Forum members were then asked to approve by voting. This was carried out using electronic ‘hands up’ used for ease of counting. Votes were as follows


Number of Yes

Number of No





4.2          Jane Johnson asked a question re Central Block, the funds being transferred to schools and academies isn’t shown on Appendix A. Ed said this was because, instead of being transferred into budgets, via the schools block , it will be transferred as separate income. This was to ensure that schools and academies benefit equally and receive £52.59 per pupil. A clearer fairer way of doing it. Jane asked if it was based on pupil numbers and Ed confirmed it was. Jane then asked with the extra funds that relate to pay and pensions, does that cover the increase. Ed said that from the D of E’s point of view, potentially yes. Arguably it may not always be the case but the basic per pupil amount and the minimum per pupil amount have increased to reflect the changes.  


Hugh thanked Jane for her questions.



Apprenticeship Levy


5.1    Kim was unable to attend the meeting due to changes to team responsibilities for COVID response. This item will therefore be discussed at a future meeting.



Any other business


6.1       Hugh raised the point that there are still two vacancies for Maintained Primary School Headteachers and also a new vacancy for a Maintained Secondary School Headteacher. (To replace Emily Beer). Hugh said he had asked Helen Key if she would be willing to come back on board to replace Emily’s previous post as Helen covered while Emily was on maternity leave. Kate Owbridge said she would put feelers out for primary schools, she said she would like to see representation from other parts of the county and would also ask EIP’s.


An article will be sent out via the Virtual School Bag shortly that advertises these posts.  ~

6.2          Councillor Standley asked if there could be a quick update from schools to ask how everyone is managing with lockdown number three. Hugh asked for contributions from each sector.  School Forum members shared a very useful update on experiences. COVID-19 - Conversation took place around what was working well and challenges that schools were facing around: opening; vaccinations; testing; laptops and additional costs.

Councillor Standley thanked everyone for their input and would pass this information to MP’s and other forums and ministerial briefings that he attends.


Meeting concluded at 9:56am

The next meeting will take place on Friday 19 March 2021 at 8:30am. Location TBC – Wellshurst Golf Club or Microsoft Teams