note that the Sussex Police and Crime Panel is administered by West
Sussex County Council.
details of the Panel can be found on the Sussex Police and Crime Panel
The Police and Crime Commissioner is accountable to
the electorate for how crime is tackled in their area. The website
for Sussex
Police and Crime Commissioner contains
further details about the Commissioner's role and work.
Each police force area also has a Police and Crime
Panel, to provide checks and balances in relation to the
performance of the Commissioner. Its role is to scrutinise the
performance of the Commissioner and to ensure
The Panel came into being on 1 November 2012 and
meet a minimum of 4 times a year.
Its role includes powers to:
the draft Police and Crime Plan and make recommendations to the
Commissioner, who must consider them
the Commissioner’s annual report and make recommendations at
a public meeting, which the Commissioner must attend
with complaints about the Commissioner
the Commissioner to attend the Panel to answer questions
veto the
Commissioner’s proposed precept by a two-thirds
veto by
a two-third’s majority the Commissioner’s proposed
candidate for Chief Constable
an acting Commissioner where the incumbent Commissioner is
incapacitated, resigns or is disqualified.
Meetings of this committee are webcast