Agenda item

Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report and Strategic Plan

Report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.


16.1     George Kouridis, Head of Service, Adult Safeguarding, introduced the item and highlighted some of the key issues contained within the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Annual Report.  This included: 


·           the four safeguarding adult review (SAR) referrals made in 2017-18; and

·           the key findings of the ADASS Peer Review of Safeguarding.  The review was undertaken in March 2018 and delivered an overall positive review of adult social care and found no issues with regard to Safeguarding Adults practice.   The one key area the review did identify for development relates to the ability of staff to take on appropriate levels of risk.  The review recommended therefore that the service should provide support and training which empowers staff in this respect.   As a result an Action Plan has been implemented which includes, for example, a new threshold decision making process guidance tool for partners and providers. 


16.2     The key points discussed by the Committee are summarized below:


·         Implementing the findings of SAR.   The Committee welcomed the overall positive situation described in the annual report.  Although further clarification was sought regarding the mechanisms the Department have in place to ensure learnings are acted upon.   The Committee also sought clarification regarding whether the Department believes it has sufficient resource available to successfully implement the findings of its SARs.   In response, the Committee were informed that training is key for the Department.  So, for example, the last referral to the SAB resulted in an ‘open discussion’ amongst staff regarding the issues. At a strategic level, the Department have a process for monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of a SAR.


·         Staffing Levels.   In response to a question about staff levels within the safeguarding team, the Director of Adult Social Care informed the Committee that an 8% reduction in staffing levels will have an impact across the Department.   The Department’s response to this is to re-focus its resources on key areas, such as safeguarding.   This response should also be seen in the context of the broader changes taking place across the Council, whereby resources for the most vulnerable are prioritised.   Within the context of adult social care, this re-prioritisation process may have an impact on, for example, how long people wait for an assessment.   The Director also noted that its peer review process is still relatively well-funded in terms of support to the SAB.  


·         Mental Health - responsibility for responding to a threatened suicide.   Councillor Ensor asked which agencies would be responsible for responding to and caring for an individual who was making threats in public to commit suicide.   In response, the Committee were informed that the NHS would ultimately be responsible, but that there would also potentially be an element of Adult Social Care involvement too.  


·         IndependentChair of the Safeguarding Adult Board.   In response to a question from the Committee, it was confirmed that the Chair of the Safeguarding Adult Board, Graham Bartlett, would normally be in attendance for this report.   However, Keith Hinkley, Director of Adult Social Care, confirmed Mr Bartlett was unfortunately not able to attend the meeting due to a long standing prior commitment.


16.3     RESOLVED:   to receive the Annual Report of the Safeguarding Adults Board.



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