Agenda item

Highway Grass Cutting Service- Update report


20.1     The Contracts Manager introduced the report, which updates the Committee on the outcomes of changes to the grass cutting service. The changes to the service included an option for Parish, Town, District and Borough councils to top up the ESCC grass cutting service and pay for extra cuts, or elect to receive a contribution from ESCC and self-deliver the service. Of the 106 local authorities, 52 bought an additional 4 cuts (24 of which were funded by Rother District Council),  26 opted to remain with the ESCC provided 2 cuts per season, and 16 elected to receive a contribution and manage the grass cutting themselves.


20.2     The table in paragraph 3.1 of the report shows the number of customer contacts regarding grass cutting. There was a high level of contacts in May and June, in part due to the delay in starting the grass cutting the service. The number of contacts was much lower in July, August and September, which is thought to be due to the dry growing season and people getting used to new service. It is possible that there will be a difference in the number of contacts next year if the growing season is different.


20.3     Following feedback from the local councils, the Team is consulting earlier with them on the grass cutting service for next year. The service options will be the same as this year, with responses due back by end of November. Based on the responses received to date, there is a slight shift in Parish Councils wishing to pay for extra cuts. The Director of Communities, Economy and Transport added that he had attended a recent Sussex Association of Local Councils (SALC) meeting to talk about grass cutting, and the concept of adding this to the precept to fund grass cutting if it is important to the councils and the communities they serve. The Chair observed that this is not an option in areas where there are no Parish or Town councils such as in Eastbourne and Hastings.


20.4     The Committee asked if the Council is making the planned savings of £400,000 per year, bearing in mind the damage to equipment and it taking longer to carry out the cuts. The Committee also asked if the longer grass cuttings (arisings) were blocking road drains and whether the Council has had to compensate the contractor for damaged equipment.


20.5     The Contracts Manager outlined that there has been a slight increase in machinery breakdowns costing around £2,000-£3,000, but ESCC is still determining if any compensation was due to the contractor as the cutting season had not quite finished. He was not aware that there had been a particular problem with grass cuttings blocking drains, and the cuttings are blown back onto the grass verges. The Contract Manager confirmed that the planned savings had been achieved. There has been a minimal adverse impact resulting from the changes to the grass cutting service. This is due in part to the growing season and the purchase of additional cuts by local councils.


20.6     The Committee agreed that they would like to see the outcomes of the grass cutting service changes for the next year, to take into account differences in the growing season. The Committee would also like an update on the local council’s response to the option to pay for additional cuts, or self-deliver the grass cutting service. The Committee agreed to request an update report for the November 2019 Place Scrutiny Committee meeting and add this to the work programme.


20.7     The Committee outlined that when the Grass Cutting Review Board met it identified that there was a possible saving in the highway tree maintenance budget. The Contracts Manager clarified that this had not been included in the savings made by the changes to the grass cutting service. The Committee indicated that it would like this budget taken forward as an area of search for savings, and requested that a short paper be presented at the RPPR Board looking at the highway tree maintenance budget.



20.8     The Committee RESOLVED to:

1) Note the service options offered and the outcomes of the changes to the urban grass cutting following a budget change from 2018/19 onwards;

2) Receive a report at the November 2019 Place Scrutiny Committee meeting to update the Committee on the outcomes and changes to the grass cutting service; and

3) Request a report on the highway tree maintenance budget is presented to the Place Scrutiny Committee RPPR Board in December.

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