Agenda item

People Scrutiny Committee Work Programme

Report by the Assistant Chief Executive.


15.1     The Committee discussed its draft work Programme which is comprised of a number of ongoing Scrutiny Reviews, Reference Groups and planned reports.


Current Scrutiny Reviews


15.2     In relation to the ‘Coping with Change – the Way Forward’ Scrutiny Review, Councillor Galley provided an update on the Board’s activities and confirmed that the review is on course to deliver its final report to the Committee at its meeting on 27 November 2018.


15.3     In relation to the Changing Care Market’ Initial Scoping Board, the Committee agreed that there is sufficient merit in a review of the areas identified by the Board.   The Committee therefore RESOLVED to:


(1)  Appoint Councillors Davies, Ensor, Galley, Sheppard and Ungar to conduct a review of the Changing Care Market; and

(2)  Appoint Councillor Ensor to act as Chair of the Changing Care Market Review Board. 



Initial Scoping Reviews


15.4     In relation to the ‘Fostering Service’ Initial Scoping Board, and on the basis of the evidence considered as part of the scoping process, the Committee RESOLVED to:


(1)  not proceed with a formal Scrutiny Review of issues relating to the Fostering Service; and

(2)  support the suggestions of the Initial Scoping Board as set out in Section 3 of Appendix 2 of the report.


15.5     As part of the process it follows to review the Work Programme, the Committee considered a proposal to appoint an initial scoping board to look into issues relating to Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC).  The Director of Children’s Services informed the Committee that he would value scrutiny input into this challenging area for the Department.  For example, the numbers of UASC may start to increase and this is a challenge for the Department as the Government only part fund the costs associated with this group.    The Department also indicated that it would value the insights Members could provide into the views of local communities on this subject.  


15.6     With the above in mind, the Committee RESOLVED to:


appoint Councillors Field, Webb and Whetstone to undertake scoping work with a view to establishing whether a recommendation should be made to the People Scrutiny Committee to approve a formal review being undertaken. 









Reference Groups


15.7     The Committee discussed the membership of the Educational Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group and the details of its next meeting.   The Committee RESOLVED:


(1)  to appoint Matthew Jones, Parent Governor Representative, to the Educational Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group; and 

(2)  that the next meeting of the group should take place in January.


Reports for Information


15.8     Councillor Galley updated the Committee with regard to the additional SACRE report listed under the ‘Reports for Information’ section of the Work Programme.   The Committee were informed that the Department have undertaken to include within SACRE’s Annual report a section which considers the issue of the provision of Religious Education in secondary schools (the Annual Report will be considered by the Committee in March).  As a result, the Committee agreed to remove this item from the Work Programme.



Future Committee Agenda Items


15.9     The Committee discussed the progress and effectiveness of ESBT locality working and RESOLVED to:


add to the agenda for the next meeting of the Committee (which is taking place on 27 November 2018) an update report on progress with and the effectiveness of locality working.


15.10   The Committee discussed the areas of prevention and integration and its impact on Adult Social Care.   The Committee therefore RESOLVED to:


add to the agenda ‘prevention and integration’ as an discussion item for the People Scrutiny Committee meeting taking place on 7 March 2019.  


Forward Plan


15.11   The Committee agreed that the update report on progress with the implementation of the Adult Social Care and Health RPPR decisions for 2018/19 (which being considered by the relevant Lead Member on 27 November) will be attached as an annexe to the People Scrutiny Committee’s RPPR report. 


Supporting documents: