Agenda item

NHS Updates

·         High Weald Lewes and Havens Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

·         Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG

·         Hasting and Rother CCG



34.1     The Board considered updates from the three NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT).

High Weald Lewes Havens Clinical Commissioning Group (HWLH CCG)

·         The CCG Achieved the £10.7m deficit control total for 2018/19, releasing £10.7m of Commissioner Sustainability Funding (CSF) from NHS England.

·         The Maternity Improvement and Assessment Framework rated the CCG as “good”

·         HWLH CCG was named as “Best Pioneer” in the CQC’s Maternity Services Survey.

·         The CCG is holding system-wide clinical events with Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, and Brighton & Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust to help break down barriers between these providers in order to improve potential future integration of services.

·         HWLH and Brighton & Hove CCG now have a single executive team.

·         There will be four Primary Care Networks (PCNs) established within the HWLH area by July: Havens, Lewes, Uckfield and Crowborough.

·         The Enhanced Care in Nursing Homes project has been rolled out across the CCG. It brings together GPs, secondary care, voluntary sector and nursing home teams to help keep people in nursing home and avoid unscheduled A&E admissions. In the original pilot areas where it was introduced it reduced unscheduled admissions by 50% and falls by 80%.

·         All GP practices in HWLH are rated good or outstanding by the CQC.

·         New X-ray facilities in Crowborough hospital and upgrades to the Crowborough midwifery unit have been funded by the League of Friends. The League of friends for Uckfield hospital is currently upgrading the x ray facilities there.


Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford Clinical Commissioning Group (EHS CCG)/ Hastings and Rother CCG (HR CCG)

  • The CCGs have achieved their £32m deficit control total for 2018/19, releasing £32m of Commissioner Sustainability Funding (CSF). The CCGs will receive less CSF next year meaning they will need to identify additional efficiency savings to break even.
  • A single Chief Executive is in place across all CCGs in the STP. This will enable closer working amongst the CCGs leading to improved efficiency and the sharing of local good practice.
  • Changes to the diabetic foot service has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of required amputations for complications arising from diabetes. 
  • The CCGs and ESHT were a pilot site for joint NHS England and NHS Improvement oversight, which ended in April.
  • Patients in the Eastbourne and Hastings areas will have access to PCNs by 1 July.
  • Hastings and Rother GP vacancy rates appear to have improved over the past year. Recruitment into GP trainee positions has improved and other healthcare practitioners, like nurse or pharmacy practitioners, who carry out some GP functions continue to be introduced.


East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT)

·         The trust remains in financial special measures, however, because it met its own deficit target for 18/19 and because it has agreed to NHS Improvement’s 19/20 target it may come out of special measures within the next financial quarter.

·         The deficit plan for 18/19 was for a £43.7m which has been met. It compares to a 60m deficit three years ago. The 19/20 target is £34m but this will trigger the payment of £24m of Provider Sustainability Funding resulting in a £10m net deficit.

·         Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) and A&E figures continue to improve despite the recent hot weather.

·         The NHS Staff Survey had a 53% staff response rate, one of the higher nationally, and over a three-year period it shows significant improvement in the proportion of staff who are proud of the care they deliver and who feel supported by their management and teams.

·          Complaints were down 15% year on year and 65 individual positive correspondences are received for every complaint.

·         Quality measures like sepsis and standardised mortality rates are now at or below the expected rate for a trust of the size and population profile of ESHT.