Agenda item

Traffic Management in Alfriston

Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



7.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport, together with correspondence submitted after publication of the agenda. 


7.2       The following people spoke on behalf of the following interested parties:

·         Cllr Stephen Rabagliati – Alfriston Parish Council

·         Mr Neil Parkinson – Conserve Alfriston

·         Dr June Goodfield – Safe Afriston for Everybody (SAFE)




7.3       The Lead Member RESOLVED to: (1) consider the outcomes of the traffic signals and 20mph speed limit trial schemes;


(2)                    agree the recommendation not to take forward a permanent traffic signal scheme; and


(3)        agree the recommendation to consult on a package of village-wide traffic calming measures.




7.4       Whilst the results of the traffic signal trial indicate there was a reduction in vehicles overrunning the footway in the High Street between Star Lane and Weavers Lane junction, this was to the detriment of other parts of the village where footway incursions and queueing traffic was observed. The findings of the proposed consultation will be reported back to Lead Member for Transport and Environment for further consideration as part of the decision making process.



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