Agenda item

Implementation of the Well Managed Highway Infrastructure Code of Practice and update on Highway Policies

Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



24.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.  The Lead Member requested further clarification of the proposed Highway Maintenance – Consideration of Character Policy set out in Appendix 5.




24.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to: (1) Approve the implementation and implications of the Well-Managed Highway Infrastructure Code of Practice and subsequently;


(2)        Rescind the policies set out at appendix 4 with the exception of PS 7/3 – Maintenance of Footways - Materials;


(3)        Defer consideration of the proposed new policy in appendix 5;


(4)        Approve the proposed amendments to existing policies as out in appendix 6; and


(5)        Delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport, in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport and Environment to make minor amendments if required to the East Sussex Highway Asset Inspection Manual, and appendices, to ensure the effective delivery of the County Council’s highway maintenance function.





24.3     To ensure that the County Council has clear, consistent and up to date policies describing its approach to managing and maintaining the highway network across the county.  To also ensure alignment with the Code, consistency with the County Council’s asset management approach and to maximise the Department for Transport’s funding allocation.


24.4     The proposed Highway Maintenance – Consideration of Character Policy set out in Appendix 5 will be reported to a future Lead Member meeting. 

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