Agenda item

People Scrutiny Committee Work Programme


40.1     The Committee discussed its Work Programme which is comprised of a number of ongoing scrutiny reviews, reference groups and planned reports.


Current Scrutiny Reviews


Changing Care Market: Adult Social Care Workforce Review


40.2       In relation to the Changing Care Market: Adult Social Care Workforce Review, Councillor Webb provided an update on the Board’s activities.   These activities include:


·         three Board meetings which took place on 15 April and 7 and 24 May 2019. 

·         consideration of evidence from a range of different sources.   For example, the Board received testimony from a Personal Assistant (PA) who has been accredited by Support With Confidence.  The PA attended with one of her clients who shared their views on the support they are being provided with.


40.3       Members were also informed that the Board is planning to meet in July to consider its draft report and recommendations.   It is intended that the final report will be presented to the September 2019 meeting of the Committee.



Scrutiny Review of Support for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children


40.4       Councillor Field provided an update to the Committee in relation to the Scrutiny Review of Support for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children.   The Board’s activities include:


·         three meetings, the last of which took place on 10 April 2019; and 

·         consideration of evidence from a range of different sources.   For example, the Board received testimony from two young asylum-seekers who have been supported by Children’s Services.  


40.5       Councillor Field also informed the Committee that the evidence gathering phase of the review is now completed.  The Board’s next step therefore will be to review a draft of its report and recommendations in July.  It is intended that the final report will be presented to the September 2019 meeting of the Committee.


Initial Scoping Reviews


40.6In relation to potential future Scrutiny Reviews, the Committee RESOLVED:


·         to appoint Cllrs Davies, Ensor, Ungar, Webb and Whetstone to undertake scoping work for a potential scrutiny review of issues relating to East Sussex County Council’s Bedded Care Strategy.  This will be the third in a series of four scrutiny reviews which the People Scrutiny Committee had previously committed to and which are part of an overarching scrutiny review of a ‘Changing Care Market’ (see minute 38 for more detail).

·         to appoint Cllrs Field, Liddiard, Loe, and Mr Matthew Jones, Parent Governor Representative to undertake scoping work in relation to a potential scrutiny review of issues relating to the rates of school exclusion in East Sussex.

Suggested Topics


40.7The Committee reviewed the list of suggested topics on its Work Programme and RESOLVED to:


·         Elective Home Education.   The Committee agreed to keep this item as a potential scrutiny topic as the Government has not yet responded to the outcome of its consultation with Local Authorities.

·         Loneliness/Resilience.   This is the final scrutiny review in a series of four planned reviews relating to the Changing Care Market.  The Committee agreed that whilst a scoping Board could be appointed in November, any substantial work might not be able to start until January/February 2020.


 Future Committee Agenda Items


40.8  The Committee noted the items listed for its future committee meetings.


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