Agenda item

Work programme

Report by the Assistant Chief Executive.


57.1     The Committee discussed its Work Programme which is comprised of a number of ongoing scrutiny reviews, reference groups and planned reports.

Initial Scoping Reviews

School Exclusions.


57.2     Members were informed that due to capacity issues it had not been possible to commence the scoping work on this area of activity.  However, arrangements were now being put in place for the Scoping Board to meet in early 2020. 


57.3     The Committee also agreed to increase the membership of the scoping board to include Mrs Nicola Boulter (Parent Governor Representative).  As result the board will now be comprised of: Councillors Field, Liddiard, Loe; and Matthew Jones (Chair) and Nicola Boulter (both Parent Governor Representatives). 

57.4     The Committee RESOLVED to appoint Mrs Nicola Boulter to the school exclusions scoping review board.

Loneliness and resilience.

57.5     The Committee agreed to undertake scoping work for a potential scrutiny review of issues relating to loneliness and resilience within East Sussex.  The subject matter of the scoping exercise had been identified by the People Scrutiny Committee in 2018 as one of four potential scrutiny reviews which form part of an overarching scrutiny review of the ‘Changing Care Market’.

57.6    The Committee RESOLVED to appoint:

1) Councillors Clark, Galley, Ungar and Whetstone to the loneliness and resilience scoping review board; and

2) Councillor Ungar to act as Chair of the scoping board.

Developing Care Markets/Bedded Care Strategy.

57.7     Following a scoping exercise which considered matters relating to the developing care market and bedded care strategy, it was RESOLVED to:

postpone further scrutiny activity on this topic for 18 months whilst the Adult Social Care and Health department develop and progress its workstreams for this area.

Reference groups


Educational Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group


57.8       The Educational Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group is scheduled to meet in January 2020 to discuss educational attainment data for 2018/19.  The Committee requested that the Reference Group receive an update on activity relating to the department’s Secondary and Primary School Improvement Boards initiatives.    The Committee also agreed to appoint Nicola Boulter (Parent Governor Representative) to the reference group.


57.9 The Committee RESOLVED to:


1)    request the Children’s Services Department provide a briefing to the Educational

Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group on both educational data for 2018/19 and developments relating to the work of School Improvement Boards.

2)  appoint Mrs Nicola Boulter, Parent Governor Representative, on to the membership of the reference group.


Health and Social Care Integration Programme Reference Group


57.10   The Director of Adult Social Care and Health informed the Committee that Cabinet will be provided with a progress report regarding the development of a Joint Health and Social Care Plan for East Sussex in January 2020.   In relation to this, the Director proposed that Members of the Health and Social Care Integration Programme (HSCIP) Reference Group meet prior to the Cabinet meeting for a briefing on progress with the Plan. 


57.11   The Committee RESOLVED to agree that a meeting of the HSCIP Reference Group be arranged prior to the Cabinet meeting on 28 January 2020.



Future Committee Agenda Items


57.12   The Committee noted the items listed for its future committee meetings.




57.13   Members discussed whether it would be beneficial to have a briefing on the Adult Social Care and Health departmental guide.   In response, and to make the session as effective as possible, the Director invited Members to identify specific areas for further training.


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