Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
10.1 The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
10.2 Mr Bob Robinson, on behalf of the Agents, spoke in support of the recommendation.
10.3 Councillor Kathryn Field, the Local Member and member of the Planning Committee, spoke in support of the recommendation.
10.4 Councillor Godfrey Daniel proposed an amendment to add an Informative relating to consideration of installation of a fire sprinkler system, which was seconded, voted on and agreed.
10.5 Councillor Bob Bowdler proposed an amendment to add an Informative relating to the proposal’s contribution to the County Council’s stated Climate Emergency targets, which was seconded, voted on and agreed.
10.6 Members have considered the officer’s report, together with the comments of the public speaker and the Local Member, and agree with the conclusion and reasons for recommendation as set out in paragraph 7 of the report, together with the two additional Informatives.
10.7 The Committee RESOLVED to grant planning permission, subject to the following Conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans, drawings and other documents listed in the Schedule of Approved Plans.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
3. The proposed temporary teaching blocks, reception cabin and toilets shall be dismantled and removed from the site no later than two years after the date of their installation, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
Reason: The temporary buildings are only required on site for the duration of the construction of the new development.
4. Prior to the commencement of the construction of the new main building a detailed surface water drainage scheme shall be submitted to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport for approval in writing. The scheme shall include the following:
(i) Detailed drawings and hydraulic calculations. The hydraulic calculations shall take into account the connectivity of the different surface water drainage features. The calculations shall demonstrate that surface water flows can be limited to 5 l/s for all rainfall events, including those with a 1 in 100 (plus climate change allowance) annual probability of occurrence;
(ii) The detailed design shall include information on how surface water flows exceeding the capacity of the surface water drainage features will be managed safely; and
(iii) The detailed design of the underground tank shall be informed by findings of groundwater monitoring between autumn and spring at the location of the proposed tank. The design should leave at least one metre unsaturated zone between the base of the drainage structures and the highest recorded groundwater level. If this cannot be achieved, details of measures which will be taken to manage the impacts of high groundwater on the hydraulic capacity and structural integrity of the drainage system should be provided.
The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To provide for an appropriate surface water drainage system and to reduce the risk of flooding in accordance with Policies EN6 and EN7 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014 and Policy DEN5 of the Rother District Development and Site Allocations Local Plan 2019.
5. Prior to the commencement of the construction of the new main building, a maintenance and management plan for the entire drainage system at the site shall be submitted to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport ensuring that the designed system takes into account the design standards of those responsible for maintenance. The plan shall include the following:
(i) A statement clearly setting out who will be responsible for managing all aspects of the surface water drainage system, including piped drains; and
(ii) Evidence of how these responsibility arrangements will remain in place throughout the life time of the development.
The plan shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To ensure the drainage system is properly maintained to minimise the risk of flooding in accordance with Policies EN6 and EN7 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014 and Policy DEN5 of the Rother District Development and Site Allocations Local Plan 2019.
6. Prior to the occupation of the new main building evidence, including photographs, shall be submitted to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport which show that the surface water drainage system has been constructed in accordance with the agreed detailed drainage design the subject of Condition 4.
Reason: To ensure that the surface water drainage system is fit for purpose in accordance with Policies EN6 and EN7 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014 and Policy DEN5 of the Rother District Development and Site Allocations Local Plan 2019.
7. Prior to the occupation of the new main building an Ecological Strategy report shall be submitted to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport for approval in writing and shall include:
(i) The measures which will be undertaken to protect and manage the retained habitats within the site to the benefit of biodiversity and a timeframe for their implementation; and
(ii) The measures which will be included as part of the development which will provide for a net gain in biodiversity and a timeframe for their implementation.
The Ecological Strategy shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests of protecting and enhancing biodiversity in accordance with Policy EN5 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014 and Policy DEN4 of the Rother District Development and Site Allocations Local Plan 2019.
8. During any form of earthworks and/or excavations undertaken in the demolition/construction phases of the development suitable wheel washing equipment shall be provided within the site the details of which shall be first approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The approved equipment shall thereafter be used to clean vehicles leaving the site.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and the amenities of the locality, in accordance with Policy OSS4 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014.
9. The new main building shall not be occupied until a full and updated Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The Plan shall stipulate the undertaking of an annual review and a named post as the co-ordinator for the Travel Plan. The Plan shall be completed in accordance with the latest guidance from the Department of Transport and after approval shall be implemented in full.
Reason: To promote more sustainable modes of transport in accordance with Policies TR2 and TR3 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014 and the provisions of Part 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.
10. Prior to the commencement of the construction works of the new main building above ground level a Section 278 (Highways Act 1980) legal agreement shall be completed setting out the requirements of the off-site highway works as agreed with the Highway Authority.
Reason: To secure appropriate works to the public highway in the interests of safety and amenity and to accord with Policies OSS4 and TR3 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014.
11. The new main building shall not be occupied until the required off-site highway works have been completed in accordance with the details set out in the Section 278 (Highways Act 1980) legal agreement the subject of Condition 10.
Reason: To secure appropriate works to the public highway in the interests of highway safety and amenity in accordance with Policies OSS4 and TR3 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014.
12. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure shall be installed for the future installation of single phase 16Amp, 3.6kW EV charging units, complete with appropriate demand control technology. Space for the necessary switchgear and control equipment shall be identified and allocated for the future installation of this equipment. Infrastructure to facilitate the future installation of a TT earthing system will be identified and provided only.
Reason: To secure the ability for electric vehicle charging units to be installed in the future, in accordance with Policy TR2 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014 and the provisions of Part 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.
13. The operational noise rating level of all external mechanical services associated with the new development shall be no more than 36 dB(A) at all times during the day and no more than 29 dB(A) at all times during the night when determined at the façade of the nearest noise sensitive receptor and in accordance with BS 4142:2014+A1:2019.
Reason: To safeguard the amenities of occupiers of nearby properties, in accordance with Policy OSS4 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy 2014 and Policy DEN7 of the Rother District Development and Site Allocations Local Plan 2019.
14. Any tree or shrub that is planted and thereafter dies, becomes diseased, is uprooted or damaged within five years from the date of planting shall, during the next available planting season, be replaced with a tree or shrub of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
Reason: In the interests of securing an acceptable landscaping scheme for the site.
1. The Applicant's attention is drawn to the need to apply to the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board for consent to discharge surface water runoff into the Board's drainage district which lies partly within the application site.
2. The Applicant's attention is drawn to the provisions of: The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended, particularly in relation to breeding birds, reptiles, bats, Great Crested Newts and other protected species and to The Badgers Act 1992.
3. The Applicant's attention is drawn to the need to meet the minimum dimensions for all parking spaces and that any works to the public highway will need to be secured by agreement with the Highway Authority. The applicant should contact the Transport Development Control Team (Tel: 01273 482254) to commence this process.
4. In line with a motion agreed by Full Council in February 2014, the Applicant is requested to further consider the installation of a sprinkler system in the replacement main school building both as a means of helping to facilitate a safe means of escape and to minimise any damage caused by a fire.
5. The Applicant’s attention is drawn to the Climate Emergency declared by the County Council and the Applicant is requested that every attempt is made for further carbon reduction measures to be incorporated into the replacement main building.
Schedule of Approved Plans
114584-JWA-ZZ-00-DR-A-1201-S2-P08 - Proposed Ground Floor Plan, 114584-JWA-ZZ-01-DR-A-1211-S2-P07 - Proposed First Floor Plan, 114584-JWA-ZZ-02-DR-A-1221-S2-P05 - Proposed Roof Plan, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0001-S2-P05 - Location Plan, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0101-S2-P08 - Building Demolition Plan, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0103-S2-P04 - Proposed Site Plan, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0301-S2-P04 - Proposed Site Sections, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-3201-S2-P04 - Facade Details, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-3901-S2-P08 - Enlarged Elevations, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-4001-S2-P04 - Proposed Sections, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-PP-A-2901-S2-P04 - Samples External Materials, 114584-JWA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-3010-S2-P01 - Retained Building Proposed Elevations, HD10995_11 Rev A PTK - Site Plan, PL202-W - Toilet Block, Elevations and Floor Plan, HD/10955/09 B - Classroom Block 1 - Elevations - Proposed Layout Ultima Complex, HD/10955/09 B - Classroom Block 1 Sheet 1 of 3 - Ground Floor - Proposed Layout Ultima Complex, HD/10955/09 B - Classroom Block 1 Sheet 2 of 3 - First Floor Proposed Layout Ultima Complex, HD/10955/09 B - Sheet 3 of 3 Second Floor Proposed Layout Ultima Complex, HD/10955/01 E - Classroom Block 2 - Proposed layout 6 on 6 on 6 UK 123 Ultima Modules, HD/10955/01 E - Classroom Block 2 - Elevations proposed Layout 6 on 6 on 6 UK123 Ultima Modules, PL202W - Portaloo Specification Sheet, DQ2692 D - Reception Cabin - Specification Drawing SL072 Lodastrut Leg Option, 114584-ALA-ZZ-XX-DR-L-0001 P08 - Landscape General Arrangement, 114584-ALA-ZZ-XX-DR-L-0002 P04 - Illustrative Masterplan, 114584-ALA-ZZ-XX-DR-L-0004 P06 - Site Sections, 114584-ALA-ZZ-XX-DR-L-0007 P04 - Fencing and Secure Lines, 114584-ALA-ZZ-XX-DR-L-0008 P04 - Access and Circulation, Design and Access Statement, Design and Access Statement for Temporary Units, Arboricultural Survey, Noise Assessment Report, Flood Risk Assessment, Drainage Statement, Ventilation & Extraction Details, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Bat Roost Potential Survey, Bat and Reptile Survey Report, Great Crested Newt Survey Report, Intrusive Geo-Environmental and Geotechnical Site Investigation, Transport Statement, Travel Plan, Outline Construction Logistics Plan, Air Quality and Dust Management Plan, September 2020, External Lighting Scheme Lux Levels P01, Construction Environmental Management Plan, September 2020, Construction Surface Water Management Plan, September 2020, Indicative Site Plan (external lighting for temporary blocks) HD/110995/11 RevA, External lighting details (by email dated 30/09/2020), Outline Landscape Specification 0017 Rev P02, Tree Retention Plan 0016 Rev P02, Planting Plan (1 of 2) 0013 Rev P02, Planting Plan (2 of 2) 0014 Rev P02
Supporting documents: