Agenda item

East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT) future plans





28.1.      The Committee considered a report providing an overview of ESHT’s future plans.

28.2.      The Committee thanked Adrian Bull for his work in improving the Trust since taking over as Chief Executive and wished him well in his retirement.

28.3.      Joe Chadwick-Bell updated the Committee on the status of services temporarily reconfigured during the Covid-19 pandemic. She confirmed that:

  • chemotherapy and maternity services had moved back on site;
  • Ophthalmology outpatient services had been returned to normal to some degree, although not in their entirety due to the lack of physical space due to infection control measures at both EDGH and Conquest Hospital; and
  • the Cardiology Cath Labs were re-established on both sites, but only two of three total labs were operating due to workforce challenges.

28.4.      The Committee asked why the hospitals would need to be rebuilt rather than renovated.

28.5.      Joe Chadwick-Bell said the reason both hospitals are going to be rebuilt on their current locations is because the cost of improving the buildings to a modern standard and resolving the backlog of maintenance of both hospitals is so great it is easier to demolish them and rebuild them from scratch. It will be necessary, however, to continue to provide the existing services on both sites whilst they are rebuilt, so demolition and construction will need to be in stages.

28.6.      The Committee asked whether the development of the new hospital buildings would mean there would be further single-siting of services provided over both hospital sites.

28.7.      Joe Chadwick-Bell clarified that the Trust does not plan to undertake any reconfiguration of services other than those currently being reviewed, Cardiology and Ophthalmology services. in other words, the redesign of the two hospitals would not result in the reconfiguring of the services provided within them.

28.8.      The Committee asked for further details on the proposals around Ophthalmology services

28.9.      Joe Chadwick-Bell said that the final model had not yet been decided. Demand for ophthalmology is growing as the population ages and many of the conditions require ongoing treatment for many years, such as regular injections. The service is currently provided across Bexhill, EDGH and Conquest Hospitals. Subject to discussion and consultation, the plan, led by clinicians, is to meet demand and increase the capacity of the existing workforce by bringing their expertise to a single site that would be an eye centre for East Sussex. It would provide a full range of services and include purpose built theatres, diagnostics and outpatients areas built to meet the specification of the clinicians. In addition, ophthalmology services that do not need to be provided by a consultant would be provided in the community.

28.10.   The Committee asked what plans Building for our Future included for expanding car parking at the Conquest Hospital.

28.11.   Joe Chadwick-Bell said there were no plans for a multi-storey car park, but she would confirm what the plan was. She added that as outpatient model of care changes it would reduce car parking arrangements on both sites due to the greater number of virtual appointments.

28.12.   The Committee asked why the Care Quality Commission (CQC) report had rated children’s and young people service at the Conquest Hospital as ‘requires improvement’ in the ‘Safe’ domain.

28.13.   Joe Chadwick-Bell explained that at the time of the inspection there were two looked after children being cared for by the Trust as a place of safety whilst their long term placements were found. These children had very high care needs and feeding requirements and required one to one care.  In order to keep the paediatric surgery and paediatric emergency services at the Conquest Hospital running there were times when nursing staff were moved across from EDGH to Conquest Hospital meaning that there were on occasions nursing shortages at the paediatric services at the EDGH. There were also documents not readily available and not stored in a central location, which have now been made available; and paediatric CT Scans, occupational therapy and physiotherapy were also not available seven days per week on both sites.

28.14.   The Committee RESOLVED to:

1) note the report; and

2) request a more detailed briefing on the Building for our Future once more detailed plans are available; and

3) Confirm plans for car parking at Conquest Hospital via email.


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