Agenda item

Work programme




17.1     The Committee received a number of updates related to previous requests and work programme items.


Emergency Active Travel Fund


17.2     The Director for Communities, Economy and Transport gave an update on the Emergency Active Travel Fund which is an allocation of Government funding to support walking and cycling during the Coronavirus pandemic. The timescales attached to the funding meant the bids for the first tranche of funding had to be put together very quickly and with minimal public consultation. Schemes had to be put on the ground quickly, although the Council did try to consult local communities and interest groups where possible. A number of neighbouring authorities have withdrawn some of the temporary schemes. The temporary scheme on Hastings seafront has subsequently been removed, but the scheme in Bexhill remains in place.


17.3     The Government has announced the second tranche of funding and the bid made by the Council has an emphasis on improving the footway network. The second tranche of funding has strict criteria, especially on timescales for delivery, which has been divisive for local communities. The Committee noted that the community blame the Council for the lack of consultation and the haste with which the schemes were implemented, when in fact the situation is a result of the criteria imposed on the funding by Government. The community would rather the money was not spent on poor schemes. A full list of the proposed schemes totalling £1.8 million funded under the second tranche has been published on the Council’s website (About the Emergency Active Travel Fund – Emergency Active Travel Fund – East Sussex County Council).


17.4     The Council is also consulting on the Walking and Cycling Strategy for the County which is a longer-term piece of work which allows fuller consultation. The Committee noted that it would be better to consult with all user groups within the community, not just the existing cycling and walking groups, including those who do not currently cycle to avoid this issue becoming divisive. The Director for Communities, Economy and Transport confirmed that views on the Strategy are being sought from all groups, and having a Strategy is the best approach to this issue.


Countryside Access Strategy


17.5     The Committee asked for an update on the transfer of Seven Sisters Country Park to the South Downs National Park (SDNP) as part of the implementation of the Countryside Access Strategy. The Lead Member for Transport and Environment confirmed that approval had been granted from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and approval is expected shortly from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Councillor Chris Dowling, who is the ESCC appointed representative on the SDNP Board, confirmed that this is an important project for the SDNP and outlined that there is a lot of energy and enthusiasm on the Board for the projects to take advantage of the opportunities managing Seven Sisters Country Park presents.


Work programme items


17.6     The Committee discussed the potential items for inclusion in the work programme.


East Sussex Road Safety Programme


17.7     The Committee requested a progress report on the East Sussex Road Safety Programme be presented at the next Place Scrutiny Committee on 17 March 2021.


Business continuity and emergency planning response to the Covid19 pandemic.


17.8     The Committee noted the great work that had been done in response to the Covid19 pandemic not just in IT systems and business continuity, but all the work carried out by the Emergency Planning Team with the Sussex Resilience Forum (SRF). The Committee would like to review the lessons learnt and the way contingency budgets and business continuity plans have changed in response to the pandemic.


17.9     The Committee considered that it would be helpful to have a report on the lessons learnt and the impact on business continuity planning and resilience from the Emergency Planning Team as they support all the departments across the Council and work closely with the SRF. It would be helpful if any changes in working practices that are needed could be highlighted in the report as well as changes to business continuity plans and risk registers.


17.10   The Committee agreed to request a report to review business continuity and the emergency planning response to Covid19 to be presented to the Committee in the summer of 2021.


Glover Report on the Landscapes review: National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB’s)


17.11   The Committee discussed the Landscapes review: National Parks and AONB’s led by Julian Glover to consider the next steps for National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) in England and what the implications might be for East Sussex. There is also a reference to the designation of AONB’s in the Government’s Ten Point Action plan on the Green Industrial Revolution under the point on the Protecting the Natural Environment. A Government announcement in response to the independent review is expected in the New Year.


17.12   The Committee agreed to form a group to hold an initial scoping meeting early in the New Year to examine the implications of the Glover report (see link to the full report Landscapes review: National Parks and AONBs - GOV.UK (


17.13   The Committee RESOLVED to amend the work programme in line with paragraphs 17.7, 17.10 and 17.12 above.


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