Agenda item

Report of the Cabinet


Paragraph 1 –Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources


56.1     Under Standing Order 23, the Council agreed that the speeches of the Leaders of the six groups (or their nominees) on paragraph 1 of the Cabinet’s report should be extended beyond five minutes.


56.2     In moving this paragraph of the Cabinet’s report, Councillor Elkin also moved the following amendment which was duly seconded:


Delete paragraph 1.46 of the Cabinet’s report and replace with:-

(1)     approve in principle the draft Council Plan at Appendix 1 and authorise the Chief Executive to finalise the plan in consultation with the relevant Lead Members;

(2)     approve the net Revenue Budget estimates for 2016/17 set out in Appendix 2a with the following amendments;

1.     Business Rates and S31 Grants to be increased by £0.497m in 2016/17 and increases of £0.374m in 2017/18 and £0.383m in 2018/19 as a result of information provided by Districts and Boroughs

2.     Estimated council tax surplus for the collection fund to be paid in 2016/17 to be increased by £0.381m as notified by Districts and Boroughs

3.     General Contingency to be increased by £0.040m in 2016/17 and £0.030m 2017/18 as a result of changes in Business Rates and Council Tax

4.     Delete the savings proposal of £0.093m for the Zest social enterprise car valet service

5.     Transition grant, as advised at final settlement on 8th February 2016 of £2.704m in 2016/17 and further transition grant of £2.696m in 2017/18

6.     Reduced New Homes Bonus grant of £0.008m 2016/17, £0.008m 2017/18 and £0.005m offset by a reduction in the contribution to capital programme

7.     The total net increased income of £3.449m in 2016/17 be transferred to a Contingency and used in 2017/18 to reduce the projected deficit

8.     The additional income of £3.070m for 2017/18 and £0.383m for 2018/19 be used to offset the deficit remaining, reducing the budget gap to £4.142m in 2017/18 and £5.523m (£1.474m in year) for 2018/19

(3)     in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to agree that:

i)     The net budget requirement is £369.3m and the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as its requirements for the year 2016/17 is £242.6m

ii)    the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as the basic amount of its council tax (i.e. for a band D property) for the year 2016/17 is £1251.90 and represents a 3.99% (2% of which relates to the Adult Social Care precept) increase on the previous year;


(4)     advise the District and Borough Councils of the relevant amounts payable and council tax in other bands in line with the regulations and to issue precepts accordingly in accordance with an agreed schedule of instalments as set out at Appendix 5


(5)     authorise the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the budget to reflect the final settlement;


(6)     approve the fees and charges set out in Appendix 4 and delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to approve an increase to all other fees and charges by up to 2%;


(7)     approve the Capital Programme including further investment in essential programme need 2016/17 to 2017/18 as set out at Appendix 2a;


(8)     note the Medium Term Financial Plan forecast for the period 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Appendix 2a; and


       (9)    note the comments from the engagement exercises as set out in Appendix



56.3     The following amendment was moved by Councillor Blanch and seconded:


Delete Councillor Elkin’s proposed  motion, with the exception of (2)4 and replace with:-


(1)  approve, in principle, the draft Council Plan at Appendix 1 and authorise the Chief Executive to finalise the Plan in consultation with the relevant Lead Members;


(2)  approve the net Revenue Budget estimates for 2016/17 as set out in Appendix 2a with the following amendments for 2016/17 only


Remove the following from ASC Budget proposals 2016/17


1.         Supporting People: Reverse the proposed cut in funding in sheltered housing £1.234m

2.         Supporting People: Reverse the proposed cut in funding in Extra Care schemes £0.103m

3.         Commissioning Grant Prospectus (CGP) - Reverse the proposed cut in ASC voluntary sector grants – Autism Sussex, Pepenbury, Railway Land Wildlife Trust Lewes, Southdown Housing, Stay up Late, and Action for Blind of £0.209m

4.         CGP Joint Funded – reverse the cut for Stroke Association £0.080m

5.         CGP Joint Funded Special contingency £0.300m

6.         Home Works. (Reverse the proposed) reduction in  support for homeless people £0.300m     


Amend the following proposed reductions in Children Services


6.       With regard the reduction in Looked after Children (LAC) numbers (£167k) and cuts to adoption and fostering services (£717k) totals for 2016/7 £884k - reinstate adoption and fostering reductions of £0.717m

7.       With regard the reduction in Early Help - effect on Open Access for families with support needs e.g. mental health (Total cut 2016/17 £2.1m) - reinstate 10 nursery nurse and early year practitioner posts (£168K), Troubled Families service (£222k), and reduce savings required of voluntary sector (£102k) = £0.492m




To be funded by the budget reductions of £0.650m from Communities Economy and Transport, £0.727m Governance, £0.260m Business Services and £1.891m Corporate funds, comprising:-


8.         Further Waste Contract Savings DEFRA refinancing and/or new initiatives (DEFRA still outstanding. 45 other lesser initiatives under review) £0.100m

9.         Culture - Delete budget provision (East Sussex cultural offer is part of our wider economic growth programme and is linked into growth activities supported by the Local Economic Partnership (LEP). A number of projects are being developed to secure LEP funding, and the removal of the cultural and arts post would see no work undertaken to embed the cultural offer and its links to growth, jobs and economic prosperity) £0.050m

10.      Gypsies and Travellers - Move towards self-funding (Significant risk of more unauthorised encampments and subsequent impact on local communities. Deterioration of Bridies Tan Subject to consultation with partners Gross budget £263k,Net budget £62.3k) £0.030m

11.      Removal of 1.5FTE Rangers (This service is currently undergoing a Strategic Commissioning Strategy to determine future service provision. Officers have already identified £100k in the MTFP as a possible outcome of this work) £0.050m

12.      Parking Surplus (available from current exercise. This would otherwise be committed to Local Transport Improvements) £0.150m

13.      Trading Standards - Removal of Rapid Action Team (Deterioration in rapid service response) £0.100m

14.      Highways Client - Move to full Executive Client by 2017/18 (Reduction in client officers and move to full Executive Client by 2017/18; Chief Officer planned from later year 2018/19) £0.170m

15.      Member Services - reduction in external spend for Appeal Panel (supported in house), move towards paperless reports, increase income (Significant reduction in capacity, reduction in support to Scrutiny. Statutory requirement in relation to School Appeals; Predicated on increase in income from Academies in relation to school appeals; and more than 50% of Members agreeing to move away from paper reports).  £0.015m

16.      Members - Remove member catering (in hand). £0.012m

17.      Reduce Member ICT support, including equipment replacement costs Reduce Member ICT support (reduction in support), include equipment replacement costs (reduction in ICT support). Reduce Member training  budget (Member attendance at LGA CNN conference)£0.020m

18.      3rd Sector - renegotiate Healthwatch contract; Cease Action in Rural Sussex funding (Change in service specification on re-tendering) £0.025m

19.      Senior Management and Organisational Development - Reduce spend on supporting Council developments, innovation, service improvements, resilience (Reduction in  funding of innovation or service infrastructure development, appropriate governance/M.O. support in relation to Council issues (Balance no longer available to fund unprovided contribution to CSD counsel fees (£120k 15/16), resulting in additional cost to CSD) £0.115m

20.      Legal Services - Efficiency through Orbis public law (This is ambition of a wide local authority partnership (pending decision by Lead Members of partner authorities) - reduction in cost and increase in income – no stress testing has taken place of proposal) £0.040m

21.      Communications Team - Reduction of centrally funded Team to basic service (Significantly reduced communication service at basic level recommended by ABVCS Scrutiny Board) £0.500m

22.      Finance - remove vacant post 1 FTE Service Finance (Less insight and support to managers and potentially, less due diligence on budget monitoring) £0.050m

23.      ICT - Business Change, 10% reduction in support (It would be proposed that the portfolio manager (senior project management) roles are reduced from 2 to 1. These roles both deliver projects and line manage two teams of project managers that have different focuses: and would require a merger of the teams into a single team. The impact would be the loss of available capacity both in terms of management and with respect to the remaining post holder being able to undertake project work. £0.048m

24.      0.5 FTE reduction in management capacity to support Health and Safety (H&S) Advisers, along with a reduction in specialist advice and input at a strategic level (Council may be vulnerable in terms of statutory H&S responsibilities and HSE inspections/audits. Response times in provision of advice likely to be increased.) £0.027m

25.      Procurement - reduce 1 FTE (Removal of 1 FTE will be difficult to achieve from within an integrated service model.  The impact will be an overall reduction in the procurement service to both Surrey CC and East Sussex CC.) £0.030m

26.      Property - remove £0.025m from maintenance consultancy of £400k (The corporate property budget is under significant pressures. Further savings targets would reduce detailed survey work over the next 12 months to inform long term maintenance planning)

27.      Delete vacant 1 FTE Surveyor SS12 role (Material impact in reducing flexibility within Orbis to design operational model to drive savings through service transformation and development of strategic asset management) £0.040m

28.      Reduce AMEY Contract (Reduced standard of workplace environment in Corporate buildings which would be amplified as buildings are brought into more intensive use through the Agile programme. Some additional risk of having to consider security arrangements or Controller of Premises service and specification cuts) £0.040m

29.      Use £10m from previous waste reserve being applied to the future capital programme £0.500m

30.      Reduce provision for General Contingency currently £3.500m (Increased risk of drawing on balances in-year) by £1.103m

31.      Reduce spend on venue hire (Procurement review so far saved £145k in – year. Further controls planned including procured single supplier) £0.195m


(3)  in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to agree that:


(i)           the net budget requirement is £369.3m and the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council  as its requirements for the year 2016/17 is £242.6m;

(ii)           the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as the basic amount of its council tax (ie for a band D property) for the year 2016/17 is £1,251.90  and represents a 3.99% (2% of which relates to the Adult Social Care precept) increase on the previous year;


(4)  advise the District and Borough Councils of the relevant amounts payable and council tax in other bands in line with the regulations and to issue precepts accordingly in accordance with an agreed schedule of instalments as set out at Appendix 5


(5)  authorise the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the budget to reflect the final settlement;


(6) approve the fees and charges set out in Appendix 4 and delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to approve an increase to all other fees and charges by up to 2%;


(7)  approve the Capital Programme including further investment in essential programme need  2016/17 to 2017/18 as set out at Appendix 2a;


(8)  note the Medium Term Financial Plan forecast for the period 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Appendix 2a; and


(9)  note the comments from the engagement exercises as set out in Appendix 7


56.4     The following amendment was moved by Councillor Webb and seconded:


Delete Councillor Elkin’s proposed motion, with the exception of (2)4 and replace with:-


(1)  approve, in principle, the draft Council Plan at Appendix 1 and authorise the Chief Executive to finalise the Plan in consultation with the relevant Lead Members;


(2)  approve the net Revenue Budget estimates for 2016/17 as set out in Appendix 2a with the following amendments for 2016/17 only


1.    Reverse the proposed Supporting People  saving for Funding in Sheltered Housing of £1.234m

2.    Reverse the proposed Supporting People saving for Funding Extra Care of £0.103m

3.    Reverse the proposed Voluntary Sector Cuts funded solely by ASC of £0.209m, comprising:-

a.    Autism Sussex £0.020m

b.    Pepenbury £0.033m

c.    Railway Land Trust £0.048m

d.    Southdown Quality Check £0.026m

e.    Stay up late Lil Buddies £0.015m

f.      Routeways to work £0.067m

4.    Reverse the proposed jointly funded Voluntary Sector Cuts by £0.191m, comprising:-

a.    Stroke Association £0.080m

b.    Seaview £0.048m

c.    Marsham Older People’s Project £0.004m

d.    Sussex Deaf Association £0.029m

e.    SHED Eastbourne £0.030m

5.    Create Special CGP Contingency of £0.189m

6.    Reverse the proposed Home Works saving of £0.300m

7.    Reverse the proposed reductions in Adoption and Fostering of £0.717m

8.    Reverse the proposed reduction in Early Help by £0.546m

9.    Reverse the proposed savings to YOT of £0.124m

10.  Reverse the proposed ISEND savings of £0.123m

11.  Reverse the proposed SLES savings of £0.171m


To be funded by the following budget reductions:-


12.  Reduce Member ICT support and training £0.020m

13.  Reduce spend on supporting Council developments £0.115m

14.  Finance – removal of vacant post      £0.050m

15.  ICT – 10% reduction in support £0.048m

16.  Legal Services – efficiencies £0.040m

17.  Communications – Reduction in service £0.500m

18.  Procurement  - reduced support £0.030m

19.  Property £0.004m

20.  Surveyor – delete vacant post £0.040m

21.  Reduce AMEY Contract £0.040m

22.  Use of waste reserve £0.500m

23.  Use Transitional Grant £2.325m

24.  Reduce Venue Hire £0.195m


(3)  in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to agree that:


(iii)         the net budget requirement is £369.3m and the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council  as its requirements for the year 2016/17 is £242.6m;

(iv)         the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as the basic amount of its council tax (ie for a band D property) for the year 2016/17 is £1,251.90  and represents a 3.99% (2% of which relates to the Adult Social Care precept) increase on the previous year;


(4)  advise the District and Borough Councils of the relevant amounts payable and council tax in other bands in line with the regulations and to issue precepts accordingly in accordance with an agreed schedule of instalments as set out at Appendix 5;


(5)  authorise the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the budget to reflect the final settlement;


(6) approve the fees and charges set out in Appendix 4 and delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to approve an increase to all other fees and charges by up to 2%;


(7)  approve the Capital Programme including further investment in essential programme need  2016/17 to 2017/18 as set out at Appendix 2a;


(8)  note the Medium Term Financial Plan forecast for the period 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Appendix 2a; and


(9)  note the comments from the engagement exercises as set out in Appendix 7


56.5     The following amendment was moved by Councillor S Shing and seconded:


Add the following to (2) in Councillor Elkin’s proposed motion:-


Reverse the proposed jointly funded Voluntary Sector Cuts relating to the Stroke Association of £0.080m


To be funded by the following budget reductions:-


Communications – Reduction in service £0.040m

Senior Management and Organisational Development - Reduce spend on supporting Council developments, innovation, service improvements, resilience £0.040m


56.6     A recorded vote on Councillor S Shing’s amendment was taken. The amendment was CARRIED, the votes being cast as follows:




Councillors Barnes, Belsey, Bennett, Bentley, Blanch, Buchanan, Butler, Carstairs, Charlton, Charman, Clark, Daniel, Davies, Chris Dowling, Claire Dowling, Earl, Elkin, Ensor, Field, Forward, Galley, Glazier, Howson, Keeley, Lambert, Maynard, O’Keeffe, Phillips, Pragnell, Rodohan, Scott, Sheppard, D Shing, S Shing, Shuttleworth, Simmons, Standley, Stogdon, Taylor, Tidy, Tutt, Ungar, Wallis, Webb, Whetstone and Wincott










56.7     As Councillor S Shing’s amendment had been carried the Chairman stated that the earlier amendments had been superceded by the new substantive motion.


56.8     The following amendment was moved by Councillor Tutt and seconded:


Delete the substantive motion, with the exception of (2)1 and replace with:


(1)  approve, in principle, the draft Council Plan at Appendix 1 and authorise the Chief Executive to finalise the Plan in consultation with the relevant Lead Members;


(2)  approve the net Revenue Budget estimates for 2016/17 as set out in Appendix 2a with the following amendments for 2016/17 only


Remove the following from ASC Budget proposals 2016/17


1      Supporting People: Reverse the proposed cut in funding in sheltered housing £1.234m

2      Supporting People: Reverse the proposed cut in funding in Extra Care schemes £0.103m

3      Commissioning Grant Prospectus (CGP) - Reverse the proposed cut in ASC voluntary sector grants – Autism Sussex, Pepenbury, Railway Land Wildlife Trust Lewes, Southdown Housing, Stay up Late and Action for Blind of £0.209m

4       CGP Joint Funded Special contingency £0.300m

5      Home Works. (Reverse the proposed) reduction in  support for homeless people £0.300m     


Amend the following proposed reductions in Children Services


     6   With regard the reduction in Looked after Children (LAC) numbers (£167k) and cuts to adoption and fostering services (£717k) totals for 2016/7 £884k - reinstate adoption and fostering reductions of £0.717m

     7. With regard the reduction in Early Help - effect on Open Access for families with support needs e.g. mental health (Total cut 2016/17 £2.1m) - reinstate 10 nursery nurse and early year practitioner posts (£168K), Troubled Families service (£222k), and reduce savings required of voluntary sector (£102k) = £0.492m




To be funded by the budget reductions of £0.650m from Communities Economy and Transport, £0.647m  Governance, £0.260m Business Services and £1.798m  Corporate funds, comprising:-


8      Further Waste Contract Savings DEFRA refinancing and/or new initiatives (DEFRA still outstanding. 45 other lesser initiatives under review) £0.100m

9      Culture - Delete budget provision (East Sussex cultural offer is part of our wider economic growth programme and is linked into growth activities supported by the Local Economic Partnership (LEP). A number of projects are being developed to secure LEP funding, and the removal of the cultural and arts post would see no work undertaken to embed the cultural offer and its links to growth, jobs and economic prosperity) £0.050m

10        Gypsies and Travellers - Move towards self-funding (Significant risk of more unauthorised encampments and subsequent impact on local communities. Deterioration of Bridies Tan Subject to consultation with partners Gross budget £263k,Net budget £62.3k) £0.030m

11        Removal of 1.5FTE Rangers (This service is currently undergoing a Strategic Commissioning Strategy to determine future service provision. Officers have already identified £100k in the MTFP as a possible outcome of this work) £0.050m

12        Parking Surplus (available from current exercise. This would otherwise be committed to Local Transport Improvements) £0.150m

13        Trading Standards - Removal of Rapid Action Team (Deterioration in rapid service response) £0.100m

14        Highways Client - Move to full Executive Client by 2017/18 (Reduction in client officers and move to full Executive Client by 2017/18; Chief Officer planned from later year 2018/19) £0.170m

15        Member Services - reduction in external spend for Appeal Panel (supported in house), move towards paperless reports, increase income (Significant reduction in capacity, reduction in support to Scrutiny. Statutory requirement in relation to School Appeals; Predicated on increase in income from Academies in relation to school appeals; and more than 50% of Members agreeing to move away from paper reports).  £0.015m

16        Members - Remove member catering (in hand). £0.012m

17        Reduce Member ICT support, including equipment replacement costs Reduce Member ICT support (reduction in support), include equipment replacement costs (reduction in ICT support). Reduce Member training  budget (Member attendance at LGA CNN conference)£0.020m

18        3rd Sector - renegotiate Healthwatch contract; Cease Action in Rural Sussex funding (Change in service specification on re-tendering) £0.025m

19        Senior Management and Organisational Development - Reduce spend on supporting Council developments, innovation, service improvements, resilience (Reduction in  funding of innovation or service infrastructure development, appropriate governance/M.O. support in relation to Council issues (Balance no longer available to fund unprovided contribution to CSD counsel fees (£120k 15/16), resulting in additional cost to CSD)  £0.075m

20        Legal Services - Efficiency through Orbis public law (This is ambition of a wide local authority partnership (pending decision by Lead Members of partner authorities) - reduction in cost and increase in income – no stress testing has taken place of proposal) £0.040m

21        Communications Team - Reduction of centrally funded Team to basic service (Significantly reduced communication service at basic level recommended by ABVCS Scrutiny Board)  £0.460m

22        Finance - remove vacant post 1 FTE Service Finance (Less insight and support to managers and potentially, less due diligence on budget monitoring) £0.050m

23        ICT - Business Change, 10% reduction in support (It would be proposed that the portfolio manager (senior project management) roles are reduced from 2 to 1. These roles both deliver projects and line manage two teams of project managers that have different focuses: and would require a merger of the teams into a single team. The impact would be the loss of available capacity both in terms of management and with respect to the remaining post holder being able to undertake project work. £0.048m

24        0.5 FTE reduction in management capacity to support Health and Safety (H&S) Advisers, along with a reduction in specialist advice and input at a strategic level (Council may be vulnerable in terms of statutory H&S responsibilities and HSE inspections/audits. Response times in provision of advice likely to be increased.) £0.027m

25        Procurement - reduce 1 FTE (Removal of 1 FTE will be difficult to achieve from within an integrated service model.  The impact will be an overall reduction in the procurement service to both Surrey CC and East Sussex CC.) £0.030m

26        Property - remove £0.025m from maintenance consultancy of £400k (The corporate property budget is under significant pressures. Further savings targets would reduce detailed survey work over the next 12 months to inform long term maintenance planning)

27        Delete vacant 1 FTE Surveyor SS12 role (Material impact in reducing flexibility within Orbis to design operational model to drive savings through service transformation and development of strategic asset management) £0.040m

28        Reduce AMEY Contract (Reduced standard of workplace environment in Corporate buildings which would be amplified as buildings are brought into more intensive use through the Agile programme. Some additional risk of having to consider security arrangements or Controller of Premises service and specification cuts) £0.040m

29        Use £10m from previous waste reserve being applied to the future capital programme £0.500m

30        Reduce provision for General Contingency currently £3.500m (Increased risk of drawing on balances in-year) by £1.103m

31        Reduce spend on venue hire (Procurement review so far saved £145k in – year. Further controls planned including procured single supplier) £0.195m



(3)  in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to agree that:


(v)          the net budget requirement is £369.3m and the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council  as its requirements for the year 2016/17 is £242.6m;

(vi)         the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as the basic amount of its council tax (ie for a band D property) for the year 2016/17 is £1,251.90  and represents a 3.99% (2% of which relates to the Adult Social Care precept) increase on the previous year;


(4)  advise the District and Borough Councils of the relevant amounts payable and council tax in other bands in line with the regulations and to issue precepts accordingly in accordance with an agreed schedule of instalments as set out at Appendix 5


(5)  authorise the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the budget to reflect the final settlement;


(6) approve the fees and charges set out in Appendix 4 and delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to approve an increase to all other fees and charges by up to 2%;


(7)  approve the Capital Programme including further investment in essential programme need  2016/17 to 2017/18 as set out at Appendix 2a;


(8)  note the Medium Term Financial Plan forecast for the period 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Appendix 2a; and


(9)  note the comments from the engagement exercises as set out in Appendix 7



56.6     A recorded vote on Councillor Tutt’s amendment was taken. The amendment was LOST, the votes being cast as follows:




Councillors Blanch, Butler, Carstairs, Charman, Daniel, Field, Forward, Lambert,  Rodohan, Scott, Shuttleworth, Tutt, Ungar, Wallis, Webb, and Wincott




Councillors Barnes, Belsey, Bennett, Bentley, Buchanan, Clark, Davies, Chris Dowling, Claire Dowling, Earl, Elkin, Ensor, Galley, Glazier, Howson, Keeley, Maynard, Phillips, Pragnell, Sheppard, Simmons, Standley, Stogdon, Taylor, Tidy,  Whetstone





Councillors Charlton, O’Keeffe, D Shing and S Shing


56.8     The following amendment was moved by Councillor Daniel and seconded:


Delete the substantive motion afer paragraph 1 and replace with:-



(2)  approve the net Revenue Budget estimates for 2016/17 as set out in Appendix 2a with the following amendments for 2016/17 only


1      Reverse the proposed Supporting People  saving for Funding in Sheltered Housing of £1.234m

2      Reverse the proposed Supporting People saving for Funding Extra Care of £0.103m

3      Reverse the proposed Voluntary Sector Cuts funded solely by ASC of £0.209m, comprising:-

a.    Autism Sussex £0.020m

b.    Pepenbury £0.033m

c.    Railway Land Trust £0.048m

d.    Southdown Quality Check £0.026m

e.    Stay up late Lil Buddies £0.015m

f.      Routeways to work £0.067m

4      Reverse the proposed jointly funded Voluntary Sector Cuts by £0.191m, comprising:-

a.    Stroke Association £0.080m

b.    Seaview £0.048m

c.    Marsham Older People’s Project £0.004m

d.    Sussex Deaf Association £0.029m

e.    SHED Eastbourne £0.030m

5      Create Special CGP Contingency of £0.189m

6      Reverse the proposed Home Works saving of £0.300m

7      Reverse the proposed reductions in Adoption and Fostering of £0.717m

8      Reverse the proposed reduction in Early Help by £0.546m

9      Reverse the proposed savings to YOT of £0.124m

10   Reverse the proposed ISEND savings of £0.123m

11   Reverse the proposed SLES savings of £0.171m


To be funded by the following budget reductions:-


12   Reduce Member ICT support and training £0.020m

13   Reduce spend on supporting Council developments £0.115m

14   Finance – removal of vacant post       £0.050m

15   ICT – 10% reduction in support £0.048m

16   Legal Services – efficiencies £0.040m

17   Communications – Reduction in service £0.500m

18   Procurement  - reduced support £0.030m

19   Property £0.004m

20   Surveyor – delete vacant post £0.040m

21   Reduce AMEY Contract £0.040m

22   Use of waste reserve £0.500m

23   Use Transitional Grant £2.325m

24   Reduce Venue Hire £0.195m


(3)  in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to agree that:


(vii)        the net budget requirement is £369.3m and the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council  as its requirements for the year 2016/17 is £242.6m;

(viii)       the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as the basic amount of its council tax (ie for a band D property) for the year 2016/17 is £1,251.90  and represents a 3.99% (2% of which relates to the Adult Social Care precept) increase on the previous year;


(4)  advise the District and Borough Councils of the relevant amounts payable and council tax in other bands in line with the regulations and to issue precepts accordingly in accordance with an agreed schedule of instalments as set out at Appendix 5;


(5)  authorise the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the budget to reflect the final settlement;


(6) approve the fees and charges set out in Appendix 4 and delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to approve an increase to all other fees and charges by up to 2%;


(7)  approve the Capital Programme including further investment in essential programme need  2016/17 to 2017/18 as set out at Appendix 2a;


(8)  note the Medium Term Financial Plan forecast for the period 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Appendix 2a; and


(9)  note the comments from the engagement exercises as set out in Appendix 7



56.6     A recorded vote on Councillor Daniel’s amendment was taken. The amendment was LOST, the votes being cast as follows:




Councillors Blanch, Buchanan, Butler, Carstairs, Charman, Daniel, Field, Forward, Lambert, O’Keeffe, Rodohan, Scott, Shuttleworth, Tutt, Ungar, Wallis, Webb, and Wincott




Councillors Barnes, Belsey, Bennett, Bentley, Clark, Davies, Chris Dowling, Claire Dowling, Earl, Elkin, Ensor, Galley, Glazier, Howson, Maynard, Phillips, Pragnell, Sheppard, Simmons, Standley, Stogdon, Taylor, Tidy,  Whetstone





Councillors Charlton, Keeley, D Shing and S Shing


56.9     The following motion moved by Councillor Elkin, to adopt paragraph 1 of the Cabinet report as amended was CARRIED:


(1)     approve in principle the draft Council Plan at Appendix 1 and authorise the Chief Executive to finalise the plan in consultation with the relevant Lead Members;

(2)     approve the net Revenue Budget estimates for 2016/17 set out in Appendix 2a with the following amendments;

1.     Business Rates and S31 Grants to be increased by £0.497m in 2016/17 and increases of £0.374m in 2017/18 and £0.383m in 2018/19 as a result of information provided by Districts and Boroughs

2.     Estimated council tax surplus for the collection fund to be paid in 2016/17 to be increased by £0.381m as notified by Districts and Boroughs

3.     General Contingency to be increased by £0.040m in 2016/17 and £0.030m 2017/18 as a result of changes in Business Rates and Council Tax

4.     Delete the savings proposal of £0.093m for the Zest social enterprise car valet service

5.     Delete the savings proposal of £0.08m for the Stroke Association, to be funded by a £0.04m reduction in the Communications budget and a £0.04m reduction in spend on senior management and organisational development

6.     Transition grant, as advised at final settlement on 8th February 2016 of £2.704m in 2016/17 and further transition grant of £2.696m in 2017/18

7.     Reduced New Homes Bonus grant of £0.008m 2016/17, £0.008m 2017/18 and £0.005m offset by a reduction in the contribution to capital programme

8.     The total net increased income of £3.449m in 2016/17 be transferred to a Contingency and used in 2017/18 to reduce the projected deficit

9.     The additional income of £3.070m for 2017/18 and £0.383m for 2018/19 be used to offset the deficit remaining, reducing the budget gap to £4.142m in 2017/18 and £5.523m (£1.474m in year) for 2018/19

(3)     in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to agree that:

i)     The net budget requirement is £369.3m and the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as its requirements for the year 2016/17 is £242.6m

ii)    the amount calculated by East Sussex County Council as the basic amount of its council tax (i.e. for a band D property) for the year 2016/17 is £1251.90 and represents a 3.99% (2% of which relates to the Adult Social Care precept) increase on the previous year;


(4)     advise the District and Borough Councils of the relevant amounts payable and council tax in other bands in line with the regulations and to issue precepts accordingly in accordance with an agreed schedule of instalments as set out at Appendix 5


(5)     authorise the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the budget to reflect the final settlement;


(6)     approve the fees and charges set out in Appendix 4 and delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to approve an increase to all other fees and charges by up to 2%;


(7)     approve the Capital Programme including further investment in essential programme need 2016/17 to 2017/18 as set out at Appendix 2a;


(8)     note the Medium Term Financial Plan forecast for the period 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Appendix 2a; and


(9)        note the comments from the engagement exercises as set out in Appendix 7


56.10   A recorded vote on Councillor Elkin’s motion was taken. The motion was CARRIED, the votes being cast as follows:




Councillors Barnes, Belsey, Bennett, Bentley, Buchanan, Carstairs, Charlton, Clark, Davies, Chris Dowling, Claire Dowling, Earl, Elkin, Ensor, Galley, Glazier, Howson, Keeley, Maynard, Phillips, Pragnell, Sheppard, D Shing, S Shing, Simmons, Standley, Stogdon, Taylor, Tidy,  Whetstone




Councillors Charman, Daniel, Forward, Rodohan, Scott, Webb, and Wincott





Councillors Blanch, Butler, Field, Lambert, O’Keeffe, Shuttleworth, Tutt, Ungar and Wallis


Cabinet Reports – Other Reserved Paragraphs


56.10   The Chairman reminded the Council that he was taking paragraph 4 of the Cabinet report with the report of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee.


Supporting documents: