Agenda item

People Scrutiny Committee Work programme


90.1    The Committee discussed its Work Programme which is comprised of a number of ongoing scrutiny reviews, reference groups and planned reports.   Set out below is an overview of the key items discussed.






Current Scrutiny Reviews


School Exclusions


90.2    The Committee heard that because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the ability of schools to participate, it continued to be necessary to pause work on the scrutiny review of issues relating to the high rate of school exclusion in East Sussex.  The Committee anticipate that work will be able to recommence in autumn 2021.


Initial Scoping Reviews


Loneliness and Resilience Initial Scrutiny Scoping Board


90.3      In response to the extensive evidence available about the negative impact of loneliness on local communities, the Committee appointed a Loneliness and Resilience Initial Scrutiny Scoping Board in November 2019.  The Board comprised: Councillors Clark, Galley, Ungar (Chair) and Whetstone.  Following delays caused by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Board met in February 2021.  Councillor Ungar, as Chair of the Board, informed the Committee that its key finding was to recommend the establishment of a loneliness scrutiny reference group.  The Board reached this conclusion following a briefing provided by the Adult Social Care and Health Department regarding a new loneliness-focused project it intends to take forward in summer 2021.  The Board heard that the project will first seek to develop an improved understanding of the nature and impact of loneliness on East Sussex residents, before then seeking to identify opportunities and approaches to mitigate its worst effects.   The Board were also informed that the Department intend to engage with a wide range of partners and residents throughout the project.  With this in mind and given their unique insights into the communities they represent, the Department are particularly keen to work with elected members on this project.


90.4      On the evidence presented to it, the Committee agreed with the Board’s recommendation that a scrutiny reference group should be appointed for the following reasons: 


·         the Department’s project will seek to develop practical, evidence-based and community focused responses to the negative impacts of loneliness;

·         that a reference group will provide members with an effective opportunity to help shape new initiatives; and

·         that a separate scrutiny review would represent a duplication of effort.


90.5      The Committee therefore RESOLVED to establish a Loneliness and Resilience Scrutiny Reference Group, with the membership of the group to be reviewed at the next meeting of the People Scrutiny Committee in June 2021.


Suggested Potential Future Scrutiny Review Topics


Elective Home Education


90.6      The Committee agreed to continue to pause activity on the potential scrutiny review of issues relating to the increase in the numbers of children being electively home educated.   Whilst there is not a clear date for activity to resume, there is an expectation that the government will issue national guidance.  The Committee therefore agreed it would be prudent to revisit this subject once the new guidance becomes available.


Developing Care Markets/Bedded Care Strategy


90.7      The Committee had previously decided to postponefurther scrutiny activity on this area until mid-2021.  However, and given the impact of the pandemic, the Committee agreed that it would be helpful to receive an update report from the Department in the autumn (2021).   The report would include, for example, detail regarding the number of beds available and information about care home closures.   This will then allow the Committee to make an informed decision about how to proceed.


90.8    The Committee RESOLVED to receive an update report on developments relating to Bedded Care.  The date the report will be considered is to be confirmed, subject to further advice from the Director of Adult Social Care.


Future Committee Agenda Items


Public Health Update


90.9The Committee discussed receiving an update on developments relating to the

activities of Public Health, including planning, resources and working with others, for its next meeting in June 2021. 


90.10   In addition the Director of Adult Social Care undertook to provide summary

comments on, but not limited to, the other activities already listed in the Committee’s Work Programme.  This would then allow the Committee to identify if there are any issues it would like to explore in more detail.  The current items listed on the Work Programme are:


·         The work of care staff during the pandemic and impact on recruitment and retention, including the use of agency staff and experiences of BAME care workers.

·         Support to care homes, including health service input.

·         The experience of carers during the pandemic.

·         The impact of Covid-19 on Departments and the services they provide.


90.11   The Committee RESOLVED to request an update on developments relating to Public Health and other elements of the Work Programme for the next meeting of the People Scrutiny Committee in June 2021.


Scrutiny Reference Groups


Educational Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group


90.12  Councillor Roy Galley informed the Committee that the reference group met in February 2021 and were provided with an excellent briefing which led to informative discussions on how school performance is measured and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education in East Sussex.   This included a discussion about different methods of delivering teaching via remote methods.  The Committee agreed that the reference group provides an important forum for members to be briefed on key issues relating to educational attainment and school performance and therefore that the group should continue.  


Health and Social Care Integration Programme Reference Group


90.13  Councillor Davies informed the Committee that the Director of Adult Social Care had undertaken to provide a further briefing for the Reference Group in July 2021.


Strategic Commissioning Review of Early Help - Scrutiny Reference Group


90.14    The Committee agreed to retain the Early Help Scrutiny Reference Group on the Scrutiny Work programme.


The Committee RESOLVED to amend the work programme in line with the items agreed in paragraphs 90.5,90.8, 90.11 and 90.13 above.


Supporting documents: