Agenda item

East Sussex Health and Social Care Programme - Update Report


36.1.      The Board considered a report providing an update on the progress with implementing the revised integration programme and planning for 2021/22.

36.2.      The Board asked whether the East Sussex Health and Social Care Plan (ESHSCP) outcomes framework would be reviewed and expanded in future.

36.3.      Mark Stainton, Director of Adult Social Care, explained that a robust assurance framework is included as part of the ESHSCP and there are plans in the coming year to demonstrate that the ESHDCP is delivering these outcomes. A more detailed list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be developed to sit beneath that framework to provide additional assurance that the Plan is delivering improvements to health and wellbeing in East Sussex.

36.4.      The Board asked what more can be done to reduce loneliness amongst the elderly, for example, through utilising active elderly volunteers.

36.5.      Mark Stainton said the Public Health Team is currently examining the issue of loneliness with the support and input from a People Scrutiny Reference Group.

36.6.      The Board asked about whether a workstream should be added to the ESHSCP on dementia and frailty.

36.7.      Mark Stainton said that dementia and frailty are significant and important issues but would not benefit from a separate workstream as, due to the aging population, both are considered already as part of all ESHSCP workstreams and are a key element of the agreed target operating model between community health and social care services.

36.8.      The Board asked whether it is possible to gain a clear understanding of the capacity and capability of the care home sector.

36.9.      Mark Stainton agreed that understanding the status of the whole care market, including the self-funding care market, is important. The Care Act 2014 places a duty on local authorities to support and manage the care home market in overall terms, but the new White Paper sets out explicit requirements to build on and continue to maintain the capacity tracker system, which local authorities were required to develop during COVID-19. The tracker is designed to generate an understanding of the capacity and risk of the whole care home market within a local authority’s boundaries and not just those care homes that have a contractual relationship with the council.

36.10.   The Board asked how data will be shared between East Sussex County Council and the NHS as part of the ESHSCP, such as enabling a social worker who is assessing a client to have access to their patient health records.

36.11.   Mark Stainton said that Single View was rolled out amongst community health and social care teams several month ago and this allows both community health and social care workers to check each other’s records on an individual.  Dr David Warden, East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Chair, confirmed Summary Care records are already available to Health and Social Care staff and are uploaded from primary care records of patients.

36.12.   The Board RESOLVED to:

1) Note the current stage of the implementation of the programme after the second wave of the pandemic; and

2) Note the planning for 2021/22 and the next phase of health and social care integration, in the continuing context of COVID-19 and the proposals for the Government’s forthcoming Health and Care Bill


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