Agenda item

East Sussex Outbreak Control Plan


29.1     The Board considered a report seeking agreement of the updated East Sussex Outbreak Control Plan (OCP).


29.2     Darrell Gale, Director of Public Health, explained that the OCP was produced in November before the arrival of the Omicron variant and since then the UK has stepped up to Alert Level 4, implemented Plan B, and accelerated the COVID-19 booster programme. He said future iterations of the OCP may make it appear like U-turns on guidance have been made, however, it is important to remember that the OCP is based on evidence and when evidence changes you change your guidance.


29.3     The Board asked whether an executive summary of the OCP could be produced in the future to ensure a wider readership.


29.4     Darrell Gale agreed that something shorter and easier to read would be a useful addition and he would make sure the next iteration included an executive summary document.


29.5     The Board asked whether there were any concerns about the mixed messages of asking people to urgently get a booster whilst also allowing them to attend gatherings in places such as pubs.


29.6     Darrell Gale said it is very challenging to balance infection control measures against the physical, mental and economic wellbeing of the population. During periods of escalation, especially with more harmful variants like Alpha, the focus is far more on the removal of risk, whereas the last year and especially since the summer the wellbeing arguments have become more prominent and are likely to be very strong over the Christmas holiday period, where people will want to get the benefits of socialising on their mental health more than they did last year. The arrival of Omicron has introduced an additional challenge, however, and its risk is not yet fully understood. Whilst it has a very rapid doubling time, the clinical outcomes appear not to be as severe as the Alpha variant, although this could change as evidence grows. Darrell Gale suggest an approach of caution towards Omicron rather than panic was more appropriate, particularly as the booster does give far more protection. Dr David Warden, Chair of East Sussex CCG, added that whilst the variant may be milder, its virulence may have an impact on the capacity of the NHS and social care workforce through sickness absence.


29.7     The Board asked if the Director of Public Health has any powers to influence or control large events, or the inappropriate gathering of people.


29.8     Darrell Gale said that the local authority has very limited powers to stop large events happening, as the powers are around individual risk management of premises and whether it is adhering to the terms of its license. District and Borough council environmental health teams and the police also have a role to play. The community has also largely adhered to any restrictions in place and there has been very little disruption.


29.9     The Board RESOLVED to:

1)   agree the updated East Sussex Outbreak Control Plan attached as Appendix 1; and

2)   agree to receive an update East Sussex Outbreak Control Plan at the 1 March 2022 meeting.


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