Agenda item

Community Asset Transfers and Asset Use

Report by the Chief Operating Officer.


30.1     The Assistant Director Property introduced the report and summarised the key points regarding the Council’s policy and processes for community asset transfers and asset disposal and use. He highlighted that there are some statutory considerations where the Council is required to secure best value for disposals which applies to the sale of property assets and includes the freehold transfer of land/buildings or the grant of a lease over 7 years.

30.2     The Committee discussed the report and a summary of the questions and key points raised is given below.

30.3     The Committee asked how many Council assets are currently declared surplus and being considered for disposal. The Assistant Director Property responded that there are currently ten building assets that are surplus and being considered for disposal, retention for income generation or transfer.

30.4     The Community Asset Transfer (CAT) policy is dated 2016 and some Committee members commented that community groups in Hastings were not aware of the policy. The Committee asked what plans there were to update the CAT policy and ensure that it is communicated to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) partners so that they are aware of the policy.

30.5     The Assistant Director Property outlined that the CAT Policy had been included within the Strategic Asset Plan 2020-2025, and officers would update the CAT policy within the next six months. The update work will include talking to VCSE groups about the policy and many groups are already aware of the CAT policy.

30.6     The Committee asked if the Council has a mechanism for working collaboratively with public and private sector partners to bring forward the development of land or property where the Council owns or has an interest in part of the potential development site (e.g. where working together would unlock a site for development for the benefit of the local community).

30.7     The Assistant Director Property explained that this is the role of the Strategic Property Asset Collaboration in East Sussex (SPACES) programme and there are examples of successful projects where the SPACES Group has pooled land to realise development opportunities. Officers are also part of a wider Developer Group in East Sussex, and the Council has sold land in conjunction with private developers.

30.8     The Committee noted that the original report request included a request for an update on the SPACES programme and its successes. The Committee asked if it would be possible to have a follow up report on the updated CAT policy and an update on the SPACES programme.

30.9     The Assistant Director Property outlined that a review of the SPACES programme was carried out in January 2023 which looked at the future focus of the programme and has a detailed implementation plan. All partners have agreed a slightly different approach, which will focus on Adult Social Care wellbeing, asset rationalisation and climate change. The Chief Operating Officer added that it will be possible to bring an update report on the CAT policy and SPACES programme to a future meeting.

30.10   Councillor Stephen Shing asked about the disposal of the former Hindsland playing fields in Polegate which is listed on the Council’s Forward Plan of Decisions and whether part of the site could be used as open space for the community. The Assistant Director Property clarified that the site was being marketed and any proposals for community use would be considered together with any other proposals for the site, or part of the site.

30.11   The Committee RESOLVED to:

1) Note the report; and

2) request an update report on the SPACES programme and updated CAT policy.



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