Agenda item

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) 2024/2025

Report by the Chief Executive.


13.1     The Senior Scrutiny Adviser introduced the report which summarises the Committee’s involvement in the RPPR process and outlines the further meetings planned during the Autumn. The report provided the Committee with an opportunity to consider what further work or information is required to support the Committee’s input into the RPPR budget setting process for the financial year 2024/25 and beyond.

13.2     The Committee discussed the report and raised a number of points which are summarised below.

13.3     The Committee members highlighted further areas of work or where more information is required as part of the work on the RPPR process. These included:

  • Further information on the costs and feasibility of providing 20mph zones around schools and children’s play areas.
  • Further understanding of monitoring air quality in the County and in particular PM2.5 particulate air pollution.
  • More information about the future of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and how the Council is going to support this activity in the future now that Government has announced that LEPs will be abolished, and their responsibilities transferred to upper tier local authorities.
  • Rights of Way and the impact of inflation and Definitive Map Modification Orders. The Committee noted the additional information that had been provided and asked that it be considered at the RPPR Board in December.

13.4     The Director of Communities, Economy and Transport (CET) outlined that air quality monitoring is the responsibility of District and Borough councils and sought clarification as to whether the Committee was suggesting that East Sussex County Council (ESCC) starts monitoring air quality. It was clarified that the Committee was asking for information on which areas of East Sussex do not have PM2.5 monitoring. Committee members also commented that information on air quality is important when considering 20mph zones and Active Travel interventions such as School Streets, so that it can be considered when making decisions about Active Travel in the future.

13.5     Some Committee members commented on the tone of the wording in the State of the County report regarding the ageing population in East Sussex and the pressure on services this may lead to. The Committee noted that many older people contribute positively to the local economy and community life in East Sussex and asked if the State of the County report could mention their positive contribution to the County.

13.6     The Committee asked if the position regarding the forecast budget deficit of £28.4 million in 2024/25 is likely to improve or get worse. The Committee also asked if inflationary pressures on highway maintenance had been taken into account. The Chief Finance Officer outlined that the Quarter 1 Council Monitoring report shows the financial pressure the Council is under, with significant pressure on social care. There will be more clarity later in the year on the Council’s budgetary position, but the position at present is challenging. The inflationary pressures on the highway maintenance budget have been built in and recognised in the budget forecasts.

13.7     The Committee noted the anticipated delays in the Government announcement on the funding settlement for local authorities.

13.8     The Committee RESOLVED to:

1) Note the report; and

2) Identified the items in paragraph 13.3 (above) for further consideration either at the December RPPR Board or through the Committee’s future work programme.



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