Agenda item

Orbis Progress Update

To present an update to Joint Committee as the Partnership moves into the implementation phase.


Keypointsraisedduring the discussion:


1.  TheChiefPropertyOfficerintroducedthereport informingthe Committeethat therewerefourkeyareas totheprogramme highlighted in the report.Memberswere toldthat it was coming upto the first anniversaryofOrbisandthat levelsofefficiencies were currentlybeing reviewed throughfeedbackfromstrategiccustomers.

2.  A question was raisedon whatworkwould beimplementedfollowing the completion of the businessplan;officerscommentedthatafter this

was completed, the programme board wouldfocuson howtheOrbis arrangementsaffectbusinessas usual (BAU).

3.  TheCommitteewas informedthat the viewsof employeeshad been collatedfromthe staffsurveyand each service would produce an

action plantoreflect these results. It was addedthatstaff felt there was aslightgap when moving from phase onetotwo in the Orbis programme.Mostof the feedback receivedfromstaffhad,however

been positive,including feedback relating to efforts madetomitigate the impact of moving staff to differentlocationsas part of the Orbis

programme. The Committee wasfurtherinformedthat planswere beingprogressedto holda staffevent which would provide more feedbackon howOrbisemployeesfeltabout the first yearofthe


4.  It was notedthat the nextarea of focuswould be management development,capacityamongseniorofficershadbeenreduced by

50%andmaintainingservice deliverywas essential.

5.  OfficersupdatedtheCommitteeon the launchoftheEPIC people programme,a highlysuccessful self-nominatingeventhad been

hosted aspart of the programme andwas designed to encourage

innovation,positivityandforward thinking amongOrbisstaff. Atotal of

20 staff memberstookpart in theeventwhich requiredparticipants to develop and communicate new ideas in a pressurised environment.

Thewinnerofthe event was given the opportunityto present their idea to the Orbis SeniorLeadershipTeamandalso received coaching to



Actions/furtherinformationtobe provided:


·                        Provide confirmationon the numberof staffwho hadtheirterms and conditionstransferred (TUPEd)to SurreyCountyCouncil betweenJanuaryand April2014.






That the JointCommittee notedthedetail andcontent within the sections outlined in thereport.


Supporting documents: