Agenda item

Hookstead Day Service

Report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health


61.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.


61.2     Mr Stuart Martin, a representative of the petition opposing the closure of the Hookstead Day Service facility in Crowborough spoke to highlight the concerns regarding the original proposals that were consulted on, the collaborative work between the Hookstead Parents’ Association and the County Council to explore alternative options and spoke in support of the revised proposals recommended to Cabinet.


61.3     It was RESOLVED to:


1) Agree to reduce the capacity of Hookstead Day Service by 25%, as detailed in section 5 of the report;


2) Agree the revised session times for both Hookstead and St Nicholas Day Services, as set out in paragraph 5.9 of the report;


3) Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to determine the days of the week on which ‘Twilight’ sessions can continue to be offered at Hookstead Day Service; and


4) Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to take all necessary actions to give effect to the above resolutions.




61.4     The Council is required to set a balanced budget. The ‘State of the County’ report presented to Cabinet in June 2024 set out a projected £55m deficit on the 2025/26 budget. Savings proposals requiring public consultation that would help to close this gap were presented to Cabinet in September 2024.


61.5     The total savings proposals for the Medium-Term Financial Plan for 2025/26-2027/28 set out in November 2024 were £20.628m, across all Council departments. The Adult Social Care and Health (ASCH) contribution to the savings total is £11.455m. In addition to these savings proposals, in order to achieve a balanced budget, the Council is also drawing on its financial reserves.


61.6     The original proposals put forward were designed to contribute to the savings required for the County Council. It is clear from the consultation responses that the proposal to close Hookstead and merge with St Nicholas is not welcomed, with the vast majority of respondents disagreeing with the proposal.


61.7     Closing Hookstead would cause an element of disruption for adults who attend the service, and their parent/carers. While the alternative provision at St Nicholas in Lewes would be able to meet the needs of most adults if needed, the distance would be a significant barrier for some. The lack of alternative independent sector provision in the north of the county has exacerbated this concern.


61.8     The consultation feedback has been carefully considered and a revised proposal to retain the day service at Hookstead on four days per week and to reduce the capacity by 25% from 45 adults per day to 34 has been developed. The Day Service at Hookstead will be retained, on this basis. As a result of this revised proposal, additional capacity would no longer be required at St Nicholas. No changes to the service at St Nicholas are to be made at this time but the session times will be revised at both Hookstead and St. Nicholas, as set out in paragraph 5.9 of the report.


61.9     Cabinet members have read and had regard to the Equalities Impact Assessment when making decisions related to this proposal.

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