Report by the Director of Children’s Services.
71.1 The Panel considered the Quarterly Registered Children’s Home report relating to all East Sussex County Council Children’s Homes, has been developed, including updates from Regulation 44 reports and relevant Ofsted reports for members of the Corporate Parenting Panel to consider.
71.2 There were 2 Ofsted Inspections during Quarter 3: Brodrick House was inspected in October and maintained a judgement of ‘Good’. The Bungalow was inspected in December and the final report will be brought to the April Panel.
71.3 All homes have received monthly visits from their Regulation 44 Independent Person including unannounced visits. The visits continue to pose valuable challenge and constructive reflection for the Registered Managers.
71.4 There were 49 recommendations made by the Independent Persons across the 7 homes this Quarter: of these 8 related to Leadership and Management and 12 to the Protection of Children standard. There were no significant concerns with most issues relating to best practice around recording and better evidence of children’s views being gathered. There were no significant concerns with most issues relating to best practice around recording and better evidence of children’s views being gathered. In 3 of the homes there are new managers and two further homes will have new registered managers shortly. The Independent Persons have been attentive to new managers.
71.5 Feedback from parents, carers and professionals gathered by the Independent Persons continues to be positive.
71.6 The Independent Persons commented on the positive impact of the introduction of digital case management (Clearcare) at Lansdowne. This is now being rolled out across the homes which will ensure significantly greater management oversight, accountability and improve reporting. Most importantly, this resource will free up staff time to spend with children.
71.7 Recruitment and retention remains challenging in the current market; however the open homes and Lansdowne Secure Children’s Home now have almost no vacancies at support worker level and have seen positive recruitment across senior grades. Overall there has been positive recruitment and retention performance over the last year and officers would like to embed this across all the homes and build resilience amongst staff, additionally there is some excellent regional work to build career pathways.
71.8 Ofsted inspection of Lansdown Secure Children’s Home – 17 – 19 September 2024
A full, three-day inspection of Lansdown in September rated the home Good across all areas. This was a significant achievement for the home’s first inspection following reopening. There was one recommendation relating to staff consistently following policies and procedures, and a second relating to the importance of all staff promoting children’s education. The new manager has put excellent routines in place and has high expectations of staff.
71.9 Ofsted inspection Brodrick House – 21-22 October 2024
A full inspection of Brodrick House in October found the home Good in all areas. There was one requirement in relation to safer recruitment and three recommendations relating to accessing independent scrutiny, supporting children to make positive choices and ensuring best practice in recruitment.
71.10 Ofsted are demonstrating a focus across all homes on recruitment practice which falls outside of our current corporate processes. The service is looking at options to align regulatory expectations and practice.
71.11 Officers will take the panel through the detail of the visit reports at the next meeting following concerns raised by the Panel that only Lansdown achieved a green rating. Officers confirmed that the concerns do not relate to the safety of children but to the recording of information in each appropriate place and at the level expected.
71.12 The Panel RESOLVED to note the report.